Burning Belly Fat - Tummy Reducing Exercises

The term "love handles" is not considered cuddly and loving for anyone concerned about their weight. In fact one of the hardest areas to lose weight is your tummy. You can target that ugly belly fat in a number of ways. One of the most effective ways to trim your belly fat is to do some simple exercises. Here are five easy methods to lose that spare tire

Climbing stairs:

If you want to improve your leg muscles and quads as well as losing belly fat you should start climbing. In order to achieve this you do not necessarily have to go on a strenuous hike. Just 30 minutes a day repeatedly climbing the stairs in your home will help you to lose weight.

A treadmill is another way to exercise going uphill. You can increase the incline of your treadmill by 10 to 15 degrees and walk at a steady pace for at least 15 minutes. Increase the time you do on the treadmill as you get more into condition.


You can burn belly fat by doing squats. They will burn a lot of calories and hel you to reduce your waist size. You will need some space to do this exercise. Put the tips of your fingers on the ground to balance yourself and crouch down and up at least 100 times. Your goal should be to do 100 squats in less than 5 minutes. As you get more conditioned you can try for 200 squats in 10 minutes. You should not do more than you can with this exercise as your body needs time to adjust.

Vacuum exercise:

This easy exercise is very effective in reducing stomach fat. these exercises do noit require any equipment. Suck your stomach in as much as you can. Hold it for a count of 50 to 60 seconds and then let it out. Rest if needs be and repeat the action. Do this for 20 minutes a day and you will see results. You should trim at least an inch off your waist in around a month.

Bicycle crunches:

These exercises will help you trim that spare tire. Lie down on a mat with your hands behind your head. Slowly touch your right elbow with your left knee. Repeat with your right knee touching your left elbow. Tense up your abdomen when you do this. do these exercises for around 15 minutes. Speed up the exercises as your body gets into better condition.

Hula Hoop:

Remember those child hood toys? In case you do not here is a brief explanation. A hula hoop is a large plastic ring that you twirl around your waist by a circular movement of your hips. The circular movement exercises your tummy muscles and will help you lose that spare tire. You should do this exercise for 2 minutes and then take a rest for 15. One of the best ways to do this is to watch your favorite TV show and do your hula exercises during advertisements. An hour long show will have at least 4 ad slots. After an hour your exercises will be done. Remember to do this everyday and you wil see that spare tire disappear.

Cathy Q is giving away a free mini course "5 Strategies to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off" to take advantage of this offer please visit [http://lose10lbamonth.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Qazalbash