Fat Burning Foods - Is Your Orange Juice Making You Fat?

I could probably write several pages about processed and unprocessed sugars, natural and unnatural sweeteners. But what I'd like to talk to you about instead is how a natural, seemingly healthy product can actually be anything but healthy.

You could go as far as to say, I'm going to show you how easily fat burning foods can be transformed into a stomach-bloating time bomb! So let's do this...

You might have guessed it from the title! I'm going to be talking about fruit juice.

Unprocessed, Wholesome and Natural Foods Are Best

Advertised as the perfect way to start every day, or the healthy option when you're in a rush; fruit juice has definitely been branded a health food/ drink. You can even get several of your recommended fruit portions per day from one carton or bottle, with no added sugar! Hooray I hear you cheer, or should you be booing?

As natural as fruit juice sounds, it has actually been processed and altered. But this time it's not about what has been added, but what has been taken away.

Of course you're fruit juice is just the juice. The skin and flesh have both been removed, but you knew that. What you probably didn't know is the skin and flesh are rich with dietary fiber. Fibre slows the absorption of sugar into the blood. So if you eat a piece of raw fruit there is no blood sugar spike, drink a glass of fruit juice and there is a blood sugar spike. And when blood sugar level rises, your body goes into fat storage mode.

And don't be fooled by the packet which says you're getting 2 of your 5-a-day. It actually took 6-10 pieces of fruit to produce that much juice. So you're getting the sugar from 6-10 pieces of fruit all in one hit! And your getting the fat storing hormones to go with it! This can ruin your fat loss efforts.

Raw, whole fruit is the way to go for a healthy amount of natural sugar, antioxidants and fibre.

Raw Fruit All The Way

If you've read any of my other articles, you may remember one of my fat burning golden rules: Avoid processed sugar at all costs!

While I stand by this "golden rule", take note that the key word in the sentence is "processed". Natural sugars on the other hand, eaten as nature intended them, are vital to every healthy person's nutritional program.

The natural sugars in fruit are a great source of energy, flavor, and they can add that zing to a meal you may otherwise find completely boring. In fact, I personally have at least one piece of fruit with every meal. I think it just adds that little sense of satisfaction, and I have a crazy sweet tooth!

Just remember our rule, raw fruit only folks!

Portion Control

The best way to convert your body into a fat burning furnace is to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals, spread out evenly throughout the day. So the idea is 1-2 pieces of fruit (1 apple, 1 pear, or a hand full of berries) is all you need. Going crazy at eating 6 bananas in one sitting is not such a great idea!

Here's a little pointer: Make sure all of your meals are balanced (natural sugar, essential fats, protein, fibre). This will put your body into a natural fat burning mode.

Fat Burning Secret - Eat Natural Foods

The overwhelming message of this article is that natural, wholesome, organic and unprocessed fruits are one of the true fat burning foods. Don't fall for the marketing hype; fruit juice is definitely not a health food!

Fruit juice isn't the only bogus 'health food' out there. Learn which Fat Burning Foods [http://www.getyourtruthaboutabsbonus.com/fat-burning-foods/] are for real, and try out Negative Calorie Foods [http://www.getyourtruthaboutabsbonus.com/fat-burning-foods/] at my website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Thorpe

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review

Truth About Fat Burning Foods

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods is a food and nutrition guide. Its main objective is to help you make healthy choices about what you eat and drink. To accomplish this, the author Nick Pineault reveals the food realities and nutritional truths that he has backed up by solid clinical study. After you have fully digested all of the revolutionary information in this program, you will find that you have actually acquired a better understanding and control of what to stock in your kitchen pantry and more importantly what to eat. You would also be better equipped to be able to wade through all of the unhealthy marketing and media food propaganda as well as understand food labels. These books offer useful diet tips to people looking for an alternative way of losing weight and do so in a healthy fashion. By eating fat burning foods you can reduce any extra body fat you have previously gained.

Nick is passionate about nutrition, food, health, weight loss, and diet. He doesn't have any formal certifications compared to the qualifications piled up by the top names in the nutrition and diet plan market (particularly those you see on TV). However, his lack of "formal" nutritional background is the thing that makes him most efficient and effective. This way the studies that Nick has administered have not been influenced by strict or outdated dietary beliefs and allows him to expose food realities without any constraints.

The Trust About Fat Burning Foods is a mini action plan presented in an easy to follow bullet format of the following three title topics and concepts:

•Which foods are actually fat burning.
•Which fat storing foods should you avoid eating.
•Diet tips to keep you healthy.

The program consists of 8 books:

•The Truth About Fat Burning Foods - shows you how to make better choices to burn fat quickly.
•The Truth About Protein, Fat and Carbs - shows you how to choose foods containing protein, good fats and carbs.
•The Truth About Condiments, Snacks and Seasonings - containing healthy snacks choices.
•The Truth About Drinks - to support your weight loss journey.
•The Truth About Superfoods
•The Truth About Your Grocery Cart
•The Truth About Supplements
•The 4-Step Diet Makeover

Read below to see how the plan works.

Nick Pineault helps you in your weight loss journey by showing you how to burn fat 24 hours a day by selecting the right foods and teaching you how to prepare them in order to get the most benefit from them. The books offer healthy diet tips - which foods are fat burning and which are fat storing.

This regime can work for you. It is designed for anyone wanting to lose weight and adopt healthy eating habits - whether you have a little or a lot to lose - no matter what your body type. You will be inspired to get disciplined about what you put in your body, controlling urges to eat the wrong things without feeling deprived. The information helps you achieve weight loss quickly and easily while you see yourself looking better and feeling healthy.

To Sum It Up...

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods book introduces you to revolutionary dieting techniques that enables you to melt fat from your body producing a healthy body. This will only work if you constantly apply the principles as outlined in the book, otherwise you are building your library but doing nothing for you and your health.

Want More Go Here Now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Broome

Lose Belly Fat - 12 Healthy Eating Habits

If you are looking to lose belly fat all you need to do is acquire healthy eating habits and the fat will melt off. You may be thinking it's not easy to lose belly fat especially in this day and age of a fast paced lifestyle and the stress of juggling many things at once. Sometimes we barely have time to stop and have breakfast or lunch and by the time dinner rolls around we are starving and over-eat or don't really care what we eat and order another take-out meal.

To lose belly fat and to do it with healthy eating habits you must plan ahead and be organized. Keep it simple in the beginning so you get into a habit or routine. It doesn't have to be difficult, you just need to learn some simple tips and think ahead.

If you are in the habit of eating whatever you feel like, well sorry that will have to change too. This isn't a bad thing especially if you want to lose belly fat and become healthier. The two go hand in hand and isn't it better to be pro-active about your health now rather than waiting for a crisis to happen which then forces you into action. Your health is your biggest asset and is well worth looking after so you can stay active and maintain clarity and peace of mind.

When you lose belly fat with healthy eating habits you can gradually work it into your lifestyle. It won't happen overnight especially if you have been prone to eating a lot of processed or junk foods. Cleaning up your diet requires a little adjustment and it doesn't have to be done all at once.

Lose Belly Fat - Introduce more Healthy Foods into your Diet

1. Clean out your pantry and kitchen of any junk foods. Don't rely on will power. Make sure you have prepared healthy snacks to replace the junk food.

2. For example you can have fruit, nuts and seeds. There is so much variety in these foods alone and are vital for maintaining healthy eating habits. You can also chop up some veggies and keep them in the fridge to have with hummus or any low fat dip. You can also have natural yogurt preferably without sugar.

3. For breakfast you can eat fruit and yogurt or plain oats (not instant) with berries. You can have whole meal toast. Try not to eat a lot of grains especially if you're trying to lose belly fat. You can also fore-go the fruit juice as this is loaded with sugar. It's better to have the whole fruit. Try an apple instead of eating toast. You can also wait 30 mins to 1 hr before eating breakfast so your body is fully awake and ready to digest food.

4. Eat at least 3 pieces of fresh fruit a day.

5. Eat a salad for lunch with some chicken or protein. Eat a salad and veggies every day. Salads are easy to make and easy to buy so no excuse. For dinner you can have veggies or salad with protein. Now at least you are getting some greens and essential nutrients into your body. So make sure you have a salad as a major part of one meal each day.

6. Eat whole foods and avoid refined or processed food full of artificial chemicals.

7. Wherever possible, buy organic food. If it's not possible, peel or throw away outer leaves or skin and make sure to wash to reduce pesticide residues. Buy fresh foods little and often. If you have them stashed they will lose their nutrients.

8. Eat a variety of foods rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals such as broccoli, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes and berries.

9. Eat when you are hungry, not out of habit. Eat little and often with plenty of fruit snacks.

10. Minimize your intake of dairy foods, refined wheat and grains and avoid sugar and sweeteners.

11. Supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

12. If you eat foods close to their natural state, you will be avoiding trans-fat, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, salt, preservatives and chemicals which add to belly and body fat. It doesn't have to be deprivation either. You can have a cheat meal once a week but It won't take long for your cravings to disappear and you will enjoy healthy eating habits and lose belly fat easily.

Discover and follow these tips to lose belly fat and develop healthy eating habits.

Want to learn more about losing weight and healthy eating habits? Follow these fat burning secrets in 2 Free Reports on the best tips and techniques to burn belly fat and get flat abs fast. Get your FREE reports at http://www.flatbellyhealth.com

Kelly Beck is a qualified Pilates Instructor who is passionate about nutrition, fitness and health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Beck

Magic Fat Burning Foods List - The Top 30 That Scorch Fat

This list contains the top 30 fat burning foods that will scorch away fat, helping you get lean, sexy and healthy

The saying you are what you eat can't be more right. What you eat can make up to 80% out how you look. And if you apply that saying to fat-burning foods - if you eat fat-burning foods you will become a fat-burning machine.

That's what this article (and the bonus resource at the end) will do for you - they will help you burn more fat. All you have to do is include these fat-burning foods in your diet and make sure that your diet is balanced and healthy.

Here's the fat-burning foods list, inlcude them in your diet regularly:

Fat burning foods list - top 30 fat scorchers

Celery - Munch on a few stalks to keep your hunger at bay.
Cauliflower - Ensure that you regularly include cauliflower with your meals.
Lettuce - All types of lettuce is fat burning.
Cucumber - Cucumber makes a great snack with a fat free cottage cheese dip.
Apples - Apple's do not only keep the doctor away, but the fat as well.
Berries - Berries are super healthy and good for your waistline.
Broccoli - Broccoli should also feature regularly on your plate.
Carrots - Carrots are good for your eyes and for your figure and make great snacks.
Lemons - Cook with lemon juice and flavor your water and drinks with slices and the juice of a lemon.
Mangoes - Great tasting and also fat burning.
Pineapple - Pineapple makes a great fat burning snack.
Ice cold water - After drinking a glass of ice cold water, your metabolism rises. So drink up!
Green tea - Green tea is a natural fat burner. Make sure that you drink at least one cup per day.
Morning cup of coffee - Your first morning cup of coffee can actually speed up your metabolism.
Fat free yogurt - Have at least one tub of fat free yogurt per day.
Low fat/reduced fat cheese - Low fat cheeses are good for you. The calcium in them speeds up weight loss.
Skinless chicken fillets - Skinless chicken fillets are low fat and help you build lean muscle mass that burns away fat.
Oily and other fish - Have at least 2 servings of oily fish per week and 2 servings of other fish.
Grapefruit - Grapefruit are great to snack on.
Cinnamon - Add cinnamon to your meals and some of your drinks.
Chilies - Cook regularly with chilies.
Spinach - Be sure to add spinach to most of your meals.
Baby potatoes and sweet potatoes - As long as you prepare them the healthy way, they are excellent fat burning food.
Seeded and health breads - Make these your breads of choice
Beans and other pulses - Be sure to include these regularly in your diet.
Almonds - Have 6 almonds every day, they help to keep you full.
Whole-wheat pasta - Stick to whole-wheat pasta and skip the rest
Olives - Olives and avos contains healthy fat that keeps you full.
Oat meal (oats) - Start your day with a bowl and you will be full until lunch time.

Only having a long fat burning foods list will make it difficult to remember all of them and it will make it more difficult to include them in your diet.

That's why I have made special report on the different types of fat burning foods - how they work and I've included lots of examples and also a few guidelines on how to use them to make the perfect fat burning diet.

And now I would like to offer you free instant access to this special report, just for reading my article today. You can get access to this free report by clicking this link: FREE fat burning foods report

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzie_Parker

What Foods Can You Eat on Fat Burning Diets?

Some people think when they first embark on fat burning diets that just skipping meals and starving will make them slimmer faster. Nothing could be further from the truth as in fact skipping meals slows the metabolism and is detrimental to well being so skipping and starving is not the way to burn fat quickly. Fat diets, followed correctly, will burn excess fat faster and combined with regular exercise, are a much healthier way to lose weight.

Fat burning diets involve eating fat burning foods. These are the foods that burn more fat than the calories they contain, boost the metabolism and carry on burning more fat for hours after exercise. The fat fighting foods are probably foods you already eat and once you settle into a proper eating routine you will not feel cravings associated with other weight loss diets.

The fat fighters to be eaten on fat burning diets are fruits such as tangerines, oranges, satsumas, limes, grapefruit, lemons and tomatoes. These fruits are all packed with vitamin C which helps process body fat speedily while stimulating the carnitine amino acid thus speeding up the burning capacity of the body.

Vitamin C is a must for fat diets as it dilutes the fat which can then be released from the body. The pectin in apples stops the cells absorbing fat, encouraging water absorption which eliminates the fat deposits from the body. Antioxidants are present in apples which also aid the removal of dreaded belly fat.

Dairy products should also be eaten on fat burning diets as the calcium contained in cheese, yogurt and milk acts as a fat burner which aids weight loss by increasing the rate at which fat is broken down. Eating 3-4 servings of dairy products a day will be more effective in a fat burning diet and encourate weight loss faster than taking calcium supplements. Dairy produce intake has been shown in research to lose more belly fat than other diets with less dairy produce in them. So drink milk rather than cutting it out and taking supplements.

If you feel hungry on the fat burning diet eat some nuts as they satisfy the physical cravings and are satisfying. They also increase the body to burn fat. Chillies also speed up the metabolism as they contain capsaicin which makes the body burn calories for 20 minutes after eating. Almonds, hazel nuts, walnuts, natural peanuts and macadamia nuts can all be eaten.

Proteins and high fiber foods would be your best bet on a fat burning diet if you wish to burn off that stubborn belly fat. Digesting protein needs a lot more energy than fat so eating dairy products, green beans, eggs, and oats regularly will be hugely beneficial. Lentils are also high in fiber and protein and these two nutrients stabilize the level of the blood sugar. Also recommended are sweet potatoes, asparagus, beetroot, cabbage, carrots, blueberries, raspberries, melons and watermelons.

So make a list of the things you like to eat and form them into meals and snacks throughout the day, combine these with regular exercise, walking, swimming, cycling or whatever raises your heart rate and you will see rapidly that fat burning diets are the safe route to ridding your body of excess fat.

Learn about the Acai Berry Diet and Total Health At Home from Brian Garvin & Jeff West.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Garvin

The Miracle Fat Burning Powers of Onions

While onions and other onion-family foods may force you to add a few more breath mints to your diet, these products miraculously help the body to burn fat! Exchanging a few extra calories for fresh breath is well worth it when you encounter the many fat-burning benefits derived from a diet rich in onions.

Onions and the Fat Burning Benefits
Onions, along with some of the other onion-family foods, help stimulate weight loss due to their natural richness of chromium. Chromium is an essential nutrient that improves the efficiency of insulin in the blood stream. With a more stable insulin release pattern, the body is able to maintain blood sugar levels, leading to more stable feelings of energy and stamina. While enhanced energy is certainly a perk, the greater benefit of stable energy and sugar levels is derived from the body's ability to abstain from food cravings and hunger. With stable energy and sugar levels, the body is less likely to send out hunger pains, as oftentimes the body will crave sugary and unhealthy foods in order to experience a short-term energy fix. If individuals consume foods that lead to an overproduction of insulin, the body encounters a low-energy crash and continues down the food-craving hunger pathway. Providing the body with chromium, onions help consumers feel more energized and fuller for longer periods of time, allowing consumers to comfortably restrict their caloric intake as they burn off stored fat to boost the body's functioning.

Fat Burning Onions
With only 35 calories in each half cup of onions, this flavorful vegetable can be added to many savory foods and dishes. Also, to ward off the bad-breath side effects, dieters can consume a bit of parsley, which has been proven to fight off some of the effects of bad breath.

Chives - A Delicious Fat Burning Food
Chives are another tasty alternative in the onion family, and they can be eaten either cooked or raw. Add chives to a salad or a healthy starch, like a potato, or even mix chives with lean ground meats (like turkey) for a low-calorie and fat burning flavor boost. Also, since chives are easy to grow, consumers can add some chive seeds to their gardens, or can even grow chives near a well-lit window, so the tiny fat burning vegetable is available all the time without hassle!

Losing Weight with Leeks
For a sweeter fat burning alternative, try adding leeks to some of your meals. With a sweeter taste when compared to other onion vegetables, leeks can enhance the flavors of soups and stews, while they can also be added to other dishes, such as stir fry.
Popular in the country of France, many diet experts even promote the consumption of a detoxifying leek soup, as the leek is full of vitamins and minerals. Best of all, this tiny sweet vegetable will boost your body's ability to burn stored fat, as it contains only 25 calories in a half of a cup!

Scallions for Shedding Pounds
Similar to the chive, scallions can be chopped and added to a variety of foods and dishes. Commonly used in salads and on potatoes, scallions provide consumers with the same fat burning benefits as many other vegetables in the onion family.

Shallots - A Sweet Fat Burning Food
As another sweeter onion option, similar to the leek, shallots are tiny onion vegetables that are less intense in their flavor. With a mild taste, shallots can be added to a variety of meals to boost consumers' fat burning benefits. Sautéed with other vegetables or meat, shallots allow consumers to enjoy the benefits of onions without the intense "onion" taste. Also popular overseas, nearly all shallots consumed in the United States are derived from France.

John Hartie is a recognized authority on fat burning foods ,his website,[http://www.bestfatburningfood.com] provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about fat burning foods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Hartie

Belly Fat Loss - Know The Secrets

When we think about losing fat, one thing that is always on our minds is losing fat from the belly. Losing fat from the belly is important and is much required because it really helps you look more elegant - your clothes fit you well and your entire physique looks impressive.

Fat loss from your belly is significant not only because it helps you look better, but also for health reasons. Belly fat can cause many serious health problems for the children, the young, and the old. It could result in serious diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and various types of cancers.

The need for belly fat loss is often stressed by doctors because fats that collect on the belly are different from the fats that are on other parts of the body. These particular fats are known for releasing large quantities of fatty acids, which influence blood sugar and insulin metabolism. Due to the release of these fatty acids, sensitivity toward insulin is lost, resulting in numerous health complications. Two of the chief health issues that may be caused due to this are:

High cholesterol level - which also results in heart diseases
High blood pressure - which may cause several of other health complications

To determine belly fat loss or gain, you can measure your waist. For men, waist measurement of less than 40 inches is good; anything above 40 would put them into high risk of extra belly fat. While for women, waist measurement above 30 inches is dangerous. It should be below 30 to avoid any risks of extra belly fats. This issue may even occur due to the inheritance factor. In that case too, belly fats put you into the high risk of health problems.

There are no quick solutions for getting rid of the belly fat. This can, however, remain a problem for a lifetime. No matter what your overall physique is, it is the best thing to get rid of belly fat when you possibly can. Look for plans and exercises that are functional and easy for you to follow. You may come across several exercise and nutrition plans on the Internet or TV, but all these may not be reliable. Therefore, to get positive results, rely on something which is worth it.

Belly fats can appear as quickly as the stars appear in the night sky. Thus, even if you do not have fats on your belly now, you must consider working out to maintain it. Once fats start collecting on the belly, it takes time for them to disappear. So, let not the fats hit you at all. Wishing you a healthy, long, and fat-free life!

If you are looking for a workable fat loss [http://www.lossweightdietx.com/fat-loss.php] plan, you must consider trawling through our site. For information on weight losing tips, click this link: fat Loss [http://www.lossweightdietx.com/fat-loss.php]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amna_Tariq_Shah

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - These 2 Secrets Are the Best Way to Lose Weight Fast!

Have you ever wondered why you are gaining so much weight? Are you considered overweight or obese? Have you been looking for tips for losing weight on the Internet? Do you want to know how to lose 10 pounds in a week? If your answers to these questions are yes, then you are reading the right article. Although a lot of people say that losing weight takes time and dedication and that it takes a lot of work, there is still a way you can try for losing weight fast. This is especially useful for those who need to lose weight fast because of an impending health risk.

The best way to loose weight today and the answer on how to lose 10 pounds in a week is to have a proper diet. A proper diet means you have to eat balanced meals every single day. At the same time, you have to regularly exercise your body in order to burn excess body fat. Experts suggest that you do fat loss exercise for at least an hour each day to make sure that you maintain your muscles, bones and burn excess calories. However, this is not enough to achieve your goal of losing ten pounds in a week. You need some more help. You will need a boost. You will need the two secret solutions on how to lose 10 pounds a week.

This is by combining the benefits of the acai berry together with a proven and reputable colon cleaner.

1. The Acai Berry - This is a tiny fruit found only in the Amazon forests of Brazil. It is considered as a wonder fruit because of the vitamins and nutrients that it gives your body. It basically provides everything that your body will need in order to have a fully functioning digestive system, a better metabolic rate and to ensure that your body is clean. It boosts your metabolism so that you can digest food better and more efficiently.

2.The Colon Cleanser - This provides fibers that will be responsible for removing all unwanted and stuck waste material in your colon. For those wondering how to lose 10 pounds in a week, cleaning your colon is the best way to achieve this. Since it removes excess waste materials, it immediately removes a few pounds from your body, instantly improving the colon function. By digesting better, your body will be able to get rid of more excess fat and retain only the nutrients that it needs from your meals. This will boost your energy levels and help you in exercising and other physical activities to burn calories.

With both the acai berry and colon cleanser working simultaneously the body could instantly shed pounds of pure waste that's been building up inside your colon for years!

So what's my best recommendation? If you want to feel the amazing benefits of acai berry and a colon cleanse [http://acaiberry-coloncleanse.org], ensure that you ONLY invest in authentic Acai extract and a proven colon cleanse from a reputable supplier.

You can learn more about how it works and how you can get a free month's supply of the necessary supplements at acaiberry-coloncleanse.org [http://acaiberry-coloncleanse.org]. Do it now for a happier, healthier, slimmer you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Strovo

What is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight? Dirty Most Kept Secret Finally Revealed

How to lose weight fast? This is the most ask question around the world! We will finally reveal and expose the dirtiest most kept secret solution for this global problem.

Obesity is now a global concern. Junk food and fast food stores have taken the world upside down. Since then people now concentrate in just one thing, how to reduce weight fast?

Nutritionists always say the same thing; the best way to reduce weight is to cut down the amount of food that we eat and to do some exercise in order to burn those extra calories that are stored in our bodies. Although this is true and we all know that, but is this the fastest way to lose weight?

It is defiantly the proper, most effective way to reduce weight but it takes time and effort. Below is the secret solution to lose weight fast!

Acai Berries, this is a fruit that will boost the metabolism of your body that will result in a fast reduction of weight. Consuming this Berry along with the above traditional solution you will burn calories up to 5 times faster! This is the dirtiest secret that very few people know!

Studies shows that Acai Berries have magical properties that reduces weight naturally. There are no side effects due to its organic nature (it is a fruit). And people had lost 5lb in their first week of consumption. This is definitely is the fastest, safest and the most effective way to lose weight!

Get your Acai Berries [http://www.bestpureacaiberry.com] from this website: [http://www.bestpureacaiberry.com] and start losing weight from today! Subscribe to the 7 day course located at the bottom of the page and lose weight even faster!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brock_Armstrong

Body Fat Parasites - Your Secret to Losing Fat

The cause of your weight loss predicament is much different than you may have been taught to believe. You probably already know... you can do exercise and still not lose weight. And for some strange reason, even restricting your diet does not give you the body fat percentage level you are seeking.

Further, you may lack the willpower to stay motivated with your weight loss routine. Yet, surprisingly, even THIS IS NOT THE MAIN REASON WHY YOU CARRY EXCESS BODY FAT.

The true cause of your excess body fat lies with debilitating toxic tissue deposits that occupy your colon and digestive track. Have you ever seen an unsightly video of body fat parasites trying to avoid detection in your system? Shocking, indeed.

In our current monetarily based society, it is too bad, with no serious lack of funding, that so many medical professionals choose to withhold crucial facts about losing weight from you. Truth be told, as long as you elect to continue using over-the-counter medications in lieu of natural weight loss alternatives... the get-rich system of wellness will proliferate and cause you harm in the process, by denying you access to everyday, honest facts that make the difference in your life.

Food manufacturers are often no different, in that standard supermarket foods openly serve chemicals which are approved by federal agencies. Body fat parasites can occur, because these chemicals, in such small amounts, are difficult to point a finger at. Therefore, as the years go by, you eventually develop all kinds of problems with colon and bowel movements - signs that your digestive tract has been compromised. Directly, this affects your ability to lose unwanted body fat.

Foods can be addictive, especially those which include chemical preservatives, artificial coloring, plus anti-caking agents, for example. In a way it seems that the more money you shell out, the worse the problems become.

Nonetheless, it is vehemently to your advantage, to stop ingesting, and begin removing body fat parasites, plus live a lifestyle that dis-includes toxic wastes, worms, and harmful chemicals from your weight loss diet practice.

The consequences of NOT removing this mal-nutrient sludge from your system are discomfort, swelling, and eventually completely uncontrollable oozing - not to mention the loss of your ability to make your body look and feel better both inside and out.

As you read this research information here today, be sure to take that extra step and examine the main site page. This will show you details about people who already use the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret solution. Their reports, as well as the data you are receiving at this present location, serve to invite you into plus enlighten you about the benefits of colon cleansing and removing body fat parasites.

Because people are just becoming aware and starting to take action more enthusiastically, this product seems like something brand new - or maybe even like some type of fad diet program. Yet, do yourself justice, and do not fall in with popular beliefs about something without doing your own very careful and direct research.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that this powerful breakthrough informational solution answers almost every prayer you have ever had about finding the best ways to lose body fat, without worry, without inconvenience or frustration, plus with great affordability and no ongoing charges, fees, or costs of any kind. Therefore, you have little reason NOT to address this body fat parasites issue.

Lastly, if you truly desire to easily melt away fat, the disgusting yet well hidden junk that resides inside of your body needs to be taught who actually the real boss is. Hopefully, you will step up to the challenge at hand, do the right thing, and get the satisfaction you have been missing.

Start by uncovering your Top Secret Fat Loss Secret materials. And, the rest is easy. Reports of satisfied users state actual body fat losses of as little as fifteen pounds, and all the way up to, and over one hundred pounds per person.

Consider your meeting here as a once in a lifetime opportunity to start removing body fat parasites from your system, because many of the money-oriented officials who make laws and regulations about what you can and cannot purchase online... are working their very hardest to "undercut" the success of this Top Secret Fat Loss Secret... merely because the success of a natural alternative to junk foods and drugs cuts into the income profit potential of industry giants who utilize non holistic weight loss principles.

That goal, needless to say, is to keep you over-fat and too sick to do anything constructive about losing the weight you desire. Actually, you should remember that it is really NEVER too late to begin doing positive things for yourself.

And with that, today is your greatest day to start learning about losing body fat parasites. Get more details about the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret now.

Assist your overall health in making a progressively forward spiral. Hi, I'm Ken Dockins, weight management consultant at Better-Body.Biz Perhaps after reading this article you will take action on removing harmful toxins, protozoa, worms, and debilitating wastes from your colon and digestive track. See more details about body fat parasites [http://better-body.biz/body-fat-parasites.htm] in "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kenneth_Dockins

The Secrets Of Fat Burners For Weight Loss

Ahead of making a decision on 'do weight loss supplements work', it is very important to observe the actual concepts these kinds of supplements tend to be based upon. The theory mechanics associated with fat burning agents are crucial for their failure or success in individual lab tests. Every person differs from the others, we all have diverse lifestyles, dietary habits, workout routines or even absence of such. Each one of these variables will make a difference when it comes to a successful weight loss program with the aid of fat burning supplements.

Weight loss supplements are generally based upon various concepts, for instance a few pills are intended to obstruct carbs to help reduce weight. Several other supplements focus on blocking extra fat and also assisting the body burn off stored excess fat and consequently assisting weight loss. A few solutions operate on the concept associated with thermo genesis, which will boost the metabolic rate of the body promoting fat burning. Additionally you will find fat burning supplements that work as appetite suppressants too. This means you choose which solution fits you the best and go ahead with it.

These days, the weight loss industry is bombarded with products and solutions from health supplement companies that advertise burning of extra fat stored inside the body with ease. Do weight loss supplements work is a query asked by a lot of people with the desire to burn unwanted fat. The query appears simple enough, nevertheless the reply is not. The success of a fat reducing health supplement is dependent upon numerous variables. If a person takes the very best fat reduction product and will only laze around feeding on almost everything in view and after that anticipates it will melt away body fat, it really is extremely unlikely.

It is very important to have a diet regime to complement fat burning supplements. For instance should your supplements burn 3% of your excess weight each day but you happen to be consuming stuff that adds 5% to your unwanted fat each day, the supplements will not demonstrate the desired results. Thus, it is advisable to include fat burning food items in what you eat which will complement the fat burning supplements.

Humans have the tendency to carry on doing the same thing but expecting different results from it. Fat burning supplements will certainly support fat reduction, but the truth is you have to do some weight loss workout as well. You should do some cardio workouts in addition to a weight training exercise program that will aid fat reduction for the best results.

Like everything in life weight reducers will also be dependent on specific principles and different products and solutions have got diverse guidelines pertaining to weight loss. Let us take a glance at a few of the fat reduction guidelines upon which the majority of the weight loss dietary supplements are generally centered. In case you are even now asking yourself 'do diet pills work', take a peek at these concepts and make a decision for yourself.

High temperature generation within organisms is referred to as thermo genesis and generally there are very different forms of thermo genesis, diet stimulated, exercise stimulated and also non-activity stimulated. Fat burning supplements in line with the basic principle of thermo genesis raise the body's temperature and also cause fat burning. This method additionally raises the metabolic rate of the body further assisting fat burning.

Solutions in line with the basic principle involving carbohydrate blocking claim to help keep unwanted weight regardless of whether you are consuming high calorie meals. They normally use naturally sourced items like Chitosan which bind excess fat and in addition assist with calorie division. Carb blockers force the calories from fat in the direction of lean muscle tissues instead of fat reserves.

Probably the most well-known type of weight loss dietary supplements are appetite suppressants, they assist by suppressing the craving for food. If you do not experience hunger you will not eat and likewise if you will not eat your body can have absolutely no other choice but the burning of stored body fat for energy and daily living. These types of dietary supplements furthermore claim that they can trigger the hormone norepinephrine that promotes energy expenditure or in other words enhances fat burning.

In case you are still wondering do fat burning pills really work? Well there are fat burners [http://www.fatburnerby.com/] that work and work excellently and so much so they are FDA approved too like Phen375 [http://www.fatburnerby.com/phen375/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicole_M_Williams

Tell Me the Fastest Weight Loss Secrets and Solutions in Order to Lose Weight - Do They Really Work?

The fastest weight loss secrets continue to be searched by millions of people that have a burning desire to lose weight but honestly don't know how to go about winning the battle of the bulge in a safe and sensible manner.

When you start talking about weight loss secrets and conducting searches online for fast weight loss tips you will find yourself overwhelmed with the many different methods and fat burning strategies. Unfortunately if you don't know what you're doing it can be downright difficult, if not impossible, to separate the credible diet plans from the methods that either work to slow or don't even work at helping you lose weight at all.

The key to remember when it comes to losing weight quickly and safely is that you must know your body type because not all diets are created equal. This means you need to know if you have a slow or fast metabolism and how certain foods will react to your body's ability to burn fat and break down foods such as carbohydrates.

The truth is there may not be a holy grail to weight loss because it has been proven that some of the fastest and safest fat burning solutions involve a combination of making the right food choices (healthy eating) and an intense exercise program that is centered on aerobics and weight lifting. This combination of a diet plan that follows a controlled food intake and cardiovascular exercise program will help burn the fat and shed your unwanted pounds yielding the best results.

If you happen to come across a diet plan that you think will work for your body composition and you are interested in trying it always make sure you do your research in order to see if other people have lost weight using the plan. Additionally, you can see if there is any opportunity to obtain assistance through a support center/network of weight loss forum.

No matter which plan you follow, you should remember that not all diet pills, plans, meals or solutions work the same for every person. If you find out the plan is not right for you or doesn't seem to be working don't get down on yourself. Instead, simply keep looking for a weight loss program that will eventually work.

Remember, there are literally thousands of fat loss programs and even the fastest weight loss secrets don't work unless you are willing to put forth some effort on your part to finally beat the battle of the bulge.

Don't waste another minute. Find out how to really start losing weight with a safe and sensible slim down strategy.

Find out what the most popular ways to lose weight fast [http://www.howtoloseweightandburnfat.com/8-ways-to-lose-weight-fast.html] are and develop your own safe and smart slim down strategy by visiting [http://www.howtoloseweightandburnfat.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jody_Robison

The Flat Belly Solution - Isabel De Los Rios Rocks Weight Loss!

The Flat Belly Solution, by Isabel De Los Rios has a huge following by women who want to lose belly fat and keep it off forever. Her principles to drop weight (and dress sizes) are safe, sensible, and easy to stick with. They center on Eating Less...by Eating Naturally.

It is no mystery why the ladies here on the Florida beaches swear by Isabel's protocol. By following her easy guidelines, and becoming increasing aware of exactly what they are eating throughout the day, they have made significant drops in both pounds and inches.

The Flat Belly Solution has changed their lives because it is NOT just a diet, it is actually a positive lifestyle habit that has made them look better and feel better.

The Flat Belly Solution Guidelines

Sugar foods are your #1 Enemy. Processed foods are #2. Wean them OUT of your present diet
The best foods for you come straight from Mother Nature. Starchy man-made foods are loaded with calories and fat.
You can learn how to determine you own personal metabolism and choose the foods that benefit you most.
Good food choices become much easier when you understand exactly which foods give you energy...and which ones are too easily stored as fat.

There is nothing controlling, restrictive, or rigid about Isabel's plan. It will take several weeks to form good food choice habits, but once you do, your lifestyle immediately becomes more positive.

What The Flat Belly Solution Is Not

Isabel's program is NOT one of those "lose 20 pounds quick" schemes. It is a lifestyle of optimal nutrition.
There is NO starvation mode and subsequent "cheat days." There are NO extremes. Isabel's program is a consistent lifestyle plan.
There are NO dangerous diet pills involved. There are NO expensive supplements to buy. There is NO harsh exercise routines to exhaust you.

If you've been discouraged on previous diet plans. If you've felt controlled by calorie counting, portion measurements, or calculating protein/carbs/fats ratios...say good-bye to that nonsense. You will NOT see any of that in this program.

The Flat Belly Solution is so popular because it works. The simple, sensible, and effective principles are easy to stick with because they effectuate a positive lifestyle transformation.

Learn more about the Flat Belly Solution at my website. There is helpful information for both women and men at http://www.Life-Without-Fat.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cade_Beach

The MIRACLE Flat Stomach Solution

I hope you didn't click on this article expecting to read about some pill or food that will instantly flatten your stomach. If you did, SHAME ON YOU and that probably means you have been sucked into the hype.

OK, I admit. I tricked you with the title didn't I? But that's OK, at least I have your attention.

I don't care what ANYONE tells you, there is no one food or pill that will flatten your stomach in a healthy way. There are pills out here that may make you lose weight temporarily, but they mess with your metabolism. That means once you stop taking them, you run the risk of gaining more weight even faster than before.

I don't know if you've noticed but almost every pill that is introduced gets pulled from the market in a few months because the FDA discovers they are not safe. Yet people STILL buy into their claims.

If you want to flatten your stomach, the best way to do it is to start with a healthy diet. Cut down on the bad carbs like white bread, white rice, potatoes and pasta. Replace them with the whole grain varieties and increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Load up on proteins from grilled chicken, tuna, white fish and egg whites. Also watch your sugar intake (yes, drinks too!) and refresh your body with at least 64 ounces of water per day.

Then get your heart moving by doing cardio exercises. That could be anything from aerobics, jogging, running to Tai Bo, cycling or swimming. The point is you need to elevate your heart enough to burn the fat. Exercise at least 3-4 times per week for 30-45 minutes per day.

Losing weight in the stomach area involves TOTAL body fitness. You can't just flatten your stomach without losing everywhere else. The body does not know how to spot tone one area. So if you are one of those that eats cheeseburgers everyday and then goes home to do 250 ab crunches, you will never see results.

Well, actually you WILL see results, just not the kind you want. In fact, your stomach will likely increase in size because you're building muscle on top of your existing layers of fat. Crunches can tone your abs, but only if you are performing cardio exercises and watching what you eat.

I hope you've learned a lot from this article, and the next time you see a headline about miracle weight loss, you'll refrain from clicking on it. :-)

Here's to your health!

Lisa Irby is the author of the myth busting site, www.flat-stomach-exercises.com She wants you to educate yourself on the facts about diet and exercise so you don't get suckered into the media hype of weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Irby

How to Lose 10 Pounds Super Fast and Get Flat Abs Too

Wouldn't it be nice to not just lose 10 pounds fast but also to get flat abs in the process? It is possible and just depends on how you go about your weight loss. You can get a flat stomach while you're losing weight, provided that you put in some hours of focused physical exercise.

There are many ways to lose weight and whatever amount you lose, you will also see it in the shape of your stomach, but to get really lean and firm, you need to make sure that you're not losing muscle tissue during your weight loss process but attacking the fatty tissue only.

This can be done by doing the right kind of fat burning workouts which will not only help you to lose 10 lbs fast, but will also help you to increase muscle tone. Remember, it's not just about the weight but about how you look and feel as well.

The key to losing 10 pounds quickly and getting flat abs is to maximize your fat burn rate by doing high intensity workouts. This means that your aim is to not try to tone a specific body part but to burn the most fat. This can be done with highly intensive exercises which include:

Kick boxing
Jumping rope
Outdoor cycling
Aerobic classes

These are just some of the high intensity cardio workouts that you can do. However, this doesn't mean that cardio alone will do the trick. One of the best ways to lose weight fast is to increase muscle tissue mass and the way to do that is with high intensity strength training. Focus on exercises which work more than a single muscle group such as:

Chest presses
Back pulley exercises
and so on

By focusing on these fat burning workouts, you will shed pounds fast and get a lean stomach in the process.

To get flat abs go here: http://BurnMyBellyFat.com To shed weight fast, go here: http://HowToLose10Pounds.net

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Flat Stomach - Depends on Food Choices

We are all interested in having that coveted flat stomach but not everyone is disciplined to do what is necessary to achieve. However, there are ways to get there naturally by eating the proper foods such as those that assist in burning fats. Are there such foods and will they help in stimulating those fat burning hormones we all have.

As has been proven our bodies have a variety of glands that regulate and control different bodily functions. These glands in doing their job will release many different chemicals and hormones throughout the body. Some of these hormones are designed to burn fat and the trick is, is to trigger the production of these fat burning hormones that will assist in getting that flat stomach.

The most obvious way to trigger these super hormones is to eat the proper foods that will automatically activate them.

Choosing the right foods is key, so make a list of the following and plan to incorporate them into your daily diet. Getting that flat stomach is just around the corner. And you will be doing it naturally.

Seafood - fish as we know are oily and one of the best trigger foods for triggering those fat burning hormones. They are super rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids that produce the leptin hormone. They are essential because they are needed but not automatically produced by the body. By increasing the production of leptin metabolism speeds up and food cravings decrease. Adding oily fish to the diet in reasonable amounts can improve the leptin levels and help burn that body fat leading to the desired flat stomach.

Fiber - foods rich in fiber are really important if you want to lose belly fat. Consider this, for every gram of fiber you consume you will be preventing your body from building 6-7 calories into fat. Including foods that are full of fiber on a daily basis is pretty much necessary for achieving a flat stomach.

Some of the best foods to include in your diet for fiber content are:

1. Fruits like apples and those rich in vitamin C will be really good for getting those hormones active. Some to consider and include in your diet would be limes, oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines. ,

2. Beans and lentils

3. Other vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, carrots, squash, cauliflower and asparagus

4. Nuts - are really good since they contain amino acids which is necessary for forming proteins. Amino acids also trigger secretion of the super hormone. When choosing nuts you might consider almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts and walnuts. These are all good choices and will contribute to getting rid of that body fat.

Along with the above you want to increase the processing of your metabolic rate which will also flatten that stomach. Vitamin B is good for this along with releasing the fat burning hormones. Sources for Vitamin B includes berries such as blueberries, cherries and strawberries. Better yet, if you can get out and pick your own maybe you[ll get a little exercise which always helps.

OK! now you have a fairly good idea of how to get the proper hormones working to get rid of that body fat now its time to consider eliminating the bad stuff from your diet. This would include foods with high level of carbohydrates such as white bread, pizza, bakery products, etc

You might want to reference a good glycemic index to identify the proper foods to concentrate on.

Finally, you can't achieve the flat stomach by diet alone you will have to establish an exercise program as well. Cardio workouts or aerobic exercises would do the job. I have always found jogging to be a super good habit to get into.

If you put all the above with discipline and commitment you can't fail in getting that flat stomach we all long for.

Good luck with your efforts.

If you're interested in taking your belly fat reduction to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab the free book Insider Secrets to a Lean Body" [http://rockyroadabs.com/squeezepage.htm]. Here you will find 65 pages on Training and Nutrition Strategies that will provide the guide to top physical fitness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Morgan_Stewart

3 Top "Get a Flat Stomach" Exercises You Must Do

If you are tired of your belly, here are some flat stomach exercises that you must do. Oh, before you get on all excited about what kind of latest abs exercise I will reveal to you, I am sorry but to disappoint you that the flat stomach exercises I am talking about here has nothing to do with crunches and sit-ups.

Many people has a miss conception that if they want to have abs like Brad Pitt they have to do 1000 crunches and sit-ups in a day. Some also believe that in order to get a real sexy waistline, you need to gain excess to some secret supplement or some secret beauty treatment that only the rich can afford. The good news for you is that the top secret to get a flat stomach is super cheap and on some occasions free!

Lets have a look at some of the top flat stomach exercises you can do.

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 1

Long distance running is one of the best ways to burn body fat. This is one of the best methods to utilize the fats that are stored in the fat cells, which lay under your skin. If you can burn loads of calories that are derived from the fat cells, you can reduce the size of your belly. In a session of long distance slow running, you need to run about 30 to 45 minutes. The intensity used here is moderate which is 70 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. You should not be out of breath during your runs. Some experts say that it is during this intensity that your body burns the highest percentage of body fat.

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 2

The second method is to do high intensity interval training. This method is for those that are more advanced. Trust me, when I say it is for those who are more advanced, I really mean it. One session last for 20 minutes and it is broken up into 4 intervals. One interval consist of a 2 minutes base pace run and 3 minutes of sprinting. For the base pace, use the speed that you can run for 30 minutes without stopping. For sprinting, use the speed that you can only last for 3 minutes! So, you would actually sprint for 3 minutes until you are really out of breath then slow down to pace base run to recover, after 2 minutes, repeat again! I can guarantee you that you will be burning load of calories even after your workout!

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 3

The third method is a floor exercise that we call plank or bridge. This simple exercise engages the core muscles, which is called the TA. This muscle wraps around the spinal core and when contracts, it gets tighter pulling the stomach in. First, lay down flat face down on a mat. Put your elbows directly under your shoulder, shoulder width apart. Then, squeeze your abs and lift your entire body up so that your shoulders, abs and feet support your body. Hold for 1 minute and squeeze your abs tight. Do not hold your breath. Repeat for 3 sets.

There you go. Here are the 3 easy and free flat stomach exercises that you must do to get a sexy waistline. Getting a six-pack abs is not difficult; all you need is a proven step-by-step system that works!

Tony Leong is giving away his Tony Leong Weight Loss System for a limited time only. Download it at www.TonyLeongWeightLoss.Com [http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com] while it is still free.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Leong

Try These 3 Super-Effective Six Pack Exercise For Abs Flatter Than Flat! Promise!

Okay, so you want to get a flat stomach. What is the ideal six pack exercise you ask?

In order to be able to get a flat stomach (not to mention a 6 pack), you need to be doing both cardio and abdominal training exercise.

Endless crunches only work on your upper abs, which is not enough to achieve great abs. The following a are some six pack exercise that target the midriff, including the obliques and transverse abdominis, ensuring a slim stomach.

The Dolphin pull - Works abs, shoulders, arms, back, butt

Start in plank position with your hand clasped and heels raised. Bend the right knee and pull left leg into chest as you lift hips toward ceiling. Return to starting position; repeat on left side for one rep. Do 10 reps.

Oblique Touch - Works abs

Lie down with flat back with your legs and arms wide-stretched, forming an "X". Lift the upper back off the floor, cross your right leg over left. Pull the legs straight up by using your abdominal strength. Try to reach your arms, palms together, past left knee. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 15 reps.

Chair lift - Works abs, butt, hamstrings
Lie with flat back and rest your feet on a chair, keep the legs straight. Squeeze butt and lift hips off floor as high as you can, bringing the arms straight up over chest, palms in. Return to starting position; repeat. Do 15 reps.

How often do I need to do them?

Do two sets of the indicated reps three to four times a week. Combine them with calorie-burning cardio and we promise you'll never have to suck it in again!

Abdominal exercises shouldn't be a pain in the neck (literally). To avoid the ache, place the tip of your tongue firmly on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth. When you anchor your tongue, it brings your head and neck into better alignment and prevents your neck from overworking.

Did you know that more than 90% of men and women are training their abs incorrectly? For a full list of all the effective six pack tips check out Six Pack In A Month by clicking HERE.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_Holmes

Getting Rid of Belly Fat - Follow These 5 Super Tips to Get That Flat Stomach in No Time!

It is common knowledge to everyone that diet and exercise are the major keys to getting rid of belly fat. If you think that you have been doing enough diet and exercise but your tummy is still far from flat, perhaps you should concentrate on working your abs first instead of losing weight,

1) The first among the few tips that can help you focus on your tummy and make it flat in no time. Do your best to minimize the amount of sugar in your diet. It contributes a lot to making the stomach big and bloated.

2) While it is impossible to totally eliminate sugar from everyone's diet, just try your best to eat the least amount of sugar possible. This is necessary if you are really determined to push through your plan of getting rid of belly fat.

3) Do you chew gum often? You might want to cut back on the amount of gum that goes inside your mouth! Chewing gum causes you to take in more air that, in return, will make the stomach bigger. Big stomachs prevent the abdominal muscles from getting exercise.

4) Add lots of fiber to your diet. Fiber is important to keep things moving inside your body, especially the food that you eat. Berries and beans have lots of fiber, although you can opt to take fiber supplements that are available in most health stores and pharmacies.

5) Drink cold water! It has no calories and will give your body the feeling of being full. Aside from that, water is a good cleanser and will rid your body of waste and impurities, allowing you to lose weight in your belly.

Here are some additional tips. These should complement the five super steps already mentioned above. Read on.

1) Cold water helps the body work. The body would want to warm itself up after cold water intake. Once your body starts working, it will burn fat in the process. It will help prevent constipation, which causes bloated stomachs.

2) Do barbell twists. To do this, stand up straight and hold the barbell in your hands. While you are in this position, twist your body from left to right. Do 50 twists everyday. If you don't have barbells, you can use two dumbbells or even an ordinary broom.

3) Remember; don't force yourself to lift up weights that you know you can not handle. Adjust the weight accordingly, depending on what suits you. Lifting more than what you can handle can strain the muscles that can cause pain and muscle tear.

4) Crunches are good exercises for the stomach. There are many ways to do crunches. Research for the different crunch exercises, from normal ones do decline or incline crunches. You can choose any routine as long as your stomach is getting exercise.

5) Getting rid of belly fat also requires discipline. Eat right and exercise regularly. All of these reminders and tips would be useless if you just eat food without minding your diet. Consult a health practitioner and find out the best diet program that is suitable for you.

If you're not losing your ugly body fat in 14 days yet, then this one simple secret trick may be all you need to get the results you're looking for. Want to find out what the simple trick is for FREE? Then click on the link below.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harris_Ally

Abdominal Fat Burning Workouts for You

Unsurprisingly, the best fat burning workouts on how to lose belly fat in a week are focused on the abdominal muscles. The following are some abdominal fat burning workouts to help you reduce stomach fat.

1. Exercise one: A person lies on his back on a mat with his feet flat on the floor while both his hands are at a right angle to his body and touching the ground. He breaths in and while he breaths out he moves his knees towards his left side to contact the floor. The individual would feel the stretch on the sides of his abdomen. Repeat in the opposite direction. One should do this exercise five times.

2. Exercise two: Lie on one's back on top of a flat surface on a mat. An individual then raises his legs and his upper body at a 30-degree angle. He holds this for thirty seconds and then returns to the initial position. People ought to breathe regularly all throughout the exercise. Repeat it for ten times to start with, increasing to thirty times. This abdominal exercise will act to tighten and contract one's lower and upper abs and is a very nice cure to reduce belly fat.

3. Exercise three: Folks lie on their backs on a floor with their hands on the sides. They also need to curl their heads up. People are also reminded to not utilize any pressure from their arms to lift themselves. After a few practice, begin placing the hands lightly to the laterals of the head following each curl up.

4. Exercise four: Lie on the back with the knees flexed and feet level on the ground at a right angle. A person puts his hands behind his head. He breaths in and brings his knees in towards his chest while lifting his upper torso to a 30-degree angle. This position is held for three seconds and then relax by breathing out. This exercise on how to lose stomach fat in a week should be done in fifteen reps.

5. Exercise five: Folks stand on their knees with the heels facing upwards. Then, they move their heads towards the ground while feeling the pressure on their stomachs. Hold this for thirty seconds and then return to the initial position. Repeat this exercise to reduce belly fat for 10 times.

6. Exercise 6: Sit on one's knees with the heels touching one's buttock. Put one's hands on the stomach and move the head towards the ground while feeling the pressure on the stomach. Hold this position for thirty seconds and then return to the initial position. Repeat such for ten times.

People can pick any 2 of these fat burning workouts to reduce belly fat if they cannot do all. If a person's abdominal doesn't flatten out by 1 exercise, he ought to try another one.

Now it is time for you to incorporate these fat burning workouts into your physical training and begin the journey to a fitter you.

Are you looking for more information on fat burning workouts [http://howtolosestomachfatinaweek.com/]? Visit [http://howtolosestomachfatinaweek.com/] for more information!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lindsey_Jenkins

Fat Burning Workouts For Endomorphs - Build Muscle Get Ripped

If you have a hard time shedding fat and getting trim even though you have a muscular frame, you most likely fall into the category of endomorph body type. There are three basic body types in which humans fall:

Ectomorphs, who are slim with little fat and not a lot of muscle
Mesomorphs, who are muscular and trim - the athletic type
Endomorphs, who are rounder with excess fat
Each body type must be treated very differently in order to achieve their goals.

If you are an endomorph, you might have been heavy all your life and could not imagine being fit and trim. Other endomorphs stay trim and fit until they hit middle age. Women who fall into this body type will often go through drastic transformations after they produce their first child. Priorities change and their metabolism slows down as they become less active.

Endomorphs tend to have strong lower bodies. Although they have under developed deltoids (shoulder muscles), their arms are well developed. They carry their fat in their faces, neck, upper arms, buttocks, hips and stomach. They will have pretty good calves and thigh muscles. The most advantageous fitness programs should address their shortcomings and develop their strengths at the same time.

Endomorphs must stick to a strict diet program for reducing fat from their bodies. Unfortunately, their fat stores are difficult to flush because they have a slower metabolism. They would rather burn muscle than fat. They should never go on a diet without an exercise program included.

The good news is that endomorphs gain muscle easily. Stick with compound exercises to burn fat while building muscle. The only isolation exercise you should do is for the deltoids. Trim as much fat from your body before getting into the more specialized exercises.

A sample workout would be:

Monday - Upper body compound exercises
Tuesday - cardio (no more than 30 minutes)
Wednesday - day off
Thursday - Lower body compound exercises
Friday - cardio (no more than 30 minutes)
Saturday - Sunday day off

This routine can significantly reduce your fat stores with the help of a 500 to 1,000 calorie reduction in your daily consumption. Eat six small meals a day and refrain from eating three hours before going to bed.

Give this one a try if you are an endomorph body type.

You can lose the fat and gain your strength and endurance if you follow these simple rules. Get my free manual on trimming the fat and feeling great and getting fit. Go to => [http://www.fatburningworkoutafter40.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Francis

Best Fat Burning Workouts on a Treadmill

The best fat burning workout for you may include a treadmill. Treadmills are readily available and will fit into almost any family's budget. If you want to lose weight and work out at home, then a treadmill is an excellent workout machine for you.

A treadmill can be very effective for burning body fat and is considered one of the best fat burning workouts. That is because you can vary speed, incline and resistance which pushes up your fitness level.

Although many people may think that a fat burning treadmill workout is boring, there are many ways to make it more interesting and varied to keep your commitment at an optimum level.

The key to the finding the best fat burning workout is to make it fun. If it is fun then you will enjoy working out and you will stay committed to your routine.

There are so many different ways that you can make it fun. Watch your soap operas or old movies while you are walking. This can help to take your mind off the time and you will enjoy walking more.

If you increase the intensity of your workout your by speeding up walking speed or the incline, you can start burning body fat quicker. You could even use one of the preset walking programs to make your workout more challenging and to work different muscle groups .

The preset programs can simulate hiking with many intensity changes and even incline changes. These fat burning treadmill workouts can help you to burn more calories and body fat.

Running on the treadmill is fun also. A running treadmill workout can consist of intervals of walking and jogging for maximum fat burning. Your treadmill may even have a preset walking program for you to do interval training on the treadmill.

This can be helpful to keep you motivated to vary your running treadmill workout. It can also help you to challenge yourself so that you get results much quicker.

Some benefits of a fat burning treadmill workout are that you can walk anytime of the year. You do not have to worry about the rain, snow, heat, or cold.

Getting on the treadmill is as easy as taking a step. This is great news for people who have a hard time finding the time to get to the gym. There are no excuses when there is a treadmill sitting in your home, now is there?

Do whatever it takes to keep your workout interesting. Whether you need to listen to music from the 80's movies or classical music, do it. If watching Grease gets you in the mood to walk on the treadmill, then watch it.

You are in total control of your workout. The main thing to remember is to make it enjoyable and that will make it the best fat burning workout for you.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill-Info.com All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by [http://www.treadmill-info.com] where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: [http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Gresham

Exercises to Get Rid of Stomach Fat - Burn Belly Fat Fast and Get a Flat, Toned Stomach in 4 Weeks

The appearance of belly fat makes us look unattractive and dull. In order to flaunt a toned physique you should take up proper exercises and diet plan. Exercises to get rid of stomach fat mostly include stretching, cardio, bodyweight and weight training workouts. Abdominal muscles are considered to be the hardest muscles in our body, which needs extreme care for sculpting. Most women gain weight due to menopause and other hormonal changes in their body in their late 40s. Even after pregnancy they experience weight gain.

Fat Burning Tips

* Nutrition and proper rest is extremely important for attaining a flat stomach. Usually excess junk food intake, stress, erratic lifestyle and depression cause those extra pounds in and around our belly. There are various home remedies for eliminating fats from your belly such as drinking water, juice fasting and proper rest. It is always advisable to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily. You should also preferably increase your meal intake for boosting metabolism. Small meals are considered more beneficial than large meals. You should eat 6-8 small meals daily.

* Stretching workouts such as side bends, vertical scissors and aerobics can be performed from the comfort and convenience of your home. Cardio workouts such as running, swimming and bicycling can easily boost metabolism in your body and helps in burning fats in your body.

* Workout equipments such as Ab circle pro, ab roller and abs belt claims to diminish fats from your belly. Ab circle Pro is one of the most effective workout machines, which employs a unique circular technology for toning your hips, thighs and belly.

* Fat burning diet like Acai berry and Colon cleanse should be consumed for boosting metabolism in our body. Acai Berry Nutrition plan helps our body in fat loss by acting as an appetite suppressant and a mood enhancing food while colon cleanse diet eliminates those stubborn abdominal fats by cleaning up your colon.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Holman

2 Treadmill Workouts to Help You Lose 10 Pounds of Fat

Are you a beginner that is trying to lose weight but keeps on avoiding the treadmill? Do you find it really tough to go through a treadmill workout because you find it extreme hard to jog for even 10 minutes? Well, you have just landed on the right article my friend.

To tell you the truth, I face the same problem when I first started out. I was a bit fat and never exercised when I was a teenager. Not until I entered college and then I started to be more aware by how I look. Then I decided to do some cardio to burn some the access weight off so that I too can be noticed by genders of the opposite sex. Lets face it, it feels good to be noticed sometimes.

But I have big problem because my stamina is really bad and that causes me to be really terrible in running. I could never complete a 20-minute run. Long story cut short, with sheer determination and desire, I learned 2 ways that helped me tremendously and now I can run a 10-kilometer run with ease. Here are two techniques treadmill workouts for fat loss that I about to share with you.

The first step in anything that you seek to accomplish is that you need build a super strong foundation so that you can have a strong platform and skyrocket yourself to unbelievable heights! The foundation that I am talking about here is your stamina. You need to keep fat loss aside and store away your weighing scale. Focus the task at hand, which is get to get your stamina strong.

Here is how I did it and you could just simple follow. It is easy and anybody can do it including you! Never let somebody talk you down!

The first treadmill workout is a 4-kilometer run. You can do five if you wish but I would recommend 4 first just to test it out.

You need to jog for 1-kilometer non-stop. To me, for a beginner, this might be your toughest phase so lets do it when you are fresh. Jog at your comfortable pace up to 1 kilometer and then when you reach 1 click, reduce the speed to walking pace.

Then, you would walk for 200 meters and when you hit that mark, start a slow jog for 300 meters. Then when you hit that mark, increase that speed and run for another 200 meters. Now you are at 700 meters from the point of 1 kilometer. Run faster up to the 900 meter mark and then sprint as you can up to the two kilometer mark. Just repeat the same process until you finish four kilometers or 5 if you choose to.

Here is an example of a fat loss treadmill workout part 1

1. Run non-stop to 1 kilometer at the speed of 8.0 km/h
2. Walk at 5.0 km/h to 1.2 km
3. Jog at 7.5 km/h to 1.5 km
4. Run at 8.0 km/h to 1.7 km
5. Run at 8.5 km/h to 1.9 km
6. Sprint at 9.0 km/h to finish of 2 kilometer.
7. Repeat form step 2 to step 6 until 4 kilometer or desired distance.

Of course this is just a treadmill workout for the beginners. If you can run faster, increase the intensity from 8.0 km/h to 9 but the style of the program remain the same.

You will find that your stamina will increase dramatically by just doing this workout for 4 to 5 times a week for over a period of 4 weeks. Persistence is the key here. If you want to enjoy the fruit of your labor you need to work at it over and over again. You will definitely be able to enjoy the cumulative effects of this treadmill workout.

Fast forward into 4 week later, you have a stronger stamina now and you want to focus on a treadmill workout that can help you boost your metabolism, turn your body into a fat burning furnace and run even faster.

You cannot stick to same program. You need now a cardio workout that is higher in intensity and challenge your current fitness level. With your stronger foundation, you will be able to look forward to losing 10 pounds of body fat or more!

In 2 Treadmill Workouts To Help You Lose 5 Pounds Of Fat part 2, I will reveal a technique that can help you run faster, burn more calories, speed up your metabolism. Through that technique, you will be able to literally feel your body burning even 2 to 3 hours after your workout!

For 2 Treadmill Workouts To Help You Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Part Two click here [http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/treadmillworkouts.html] Also, for a limited time only, Tony Leong is giving away is Weight Loss System For Free. Claim it while it is still free.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Leong

7 Fat Burning Exercises You Can Do At Home For Weight Loss

With only seven exercises you can do a complete, at home, fat burning workout. And no, you don't need a big, lunky piece of cardio equipment to do slow, boring aerobic training.

Many people don't have time to consistently go to the gym and want to workout at home. But how many exercises can you do in your workouts at home with dumbbells? I have put together some training options you can do at home. The options include dumbbell workouts and exercises that need no external resistance. I have provided many options so that even a home workout can have variety.

In fact, this entire workout can be done with only your bodyweight, but for a more advanced challenge, you can use dumbells in certain exercises.

The workout doesn't use any machines either, because this allows you to use more muscles per ecxercise when you do standing exercises or push-ups instead of the pec-dec at your local gym.

Here's the workout.

1) bodyweight squat

2) pushup or kneeling pushup

Do exercises 1 and 2 back to back with no rest. Aim for 8-12 repetitions per set. If you are advanced, you can use dumbells for the squat and even harder pushup, such as decline pushups to increase the difficulty of the workout. For beginners, stick to bodyweight squats and kneeling pushups.

Do the squat and pushup back to back without rest, but rest 1 minute before repeating the exercises again. Then rest a minute, and repeat one more time. Then you will have done this superset (that's what it is called when you do two exercises back to back) 3 times.

However, beginners should do all exercises in the entire workout only once. Only advanced fitness levels can use the 3 superset system.

3) split squat

4) mountain climber

A split squat is also called a stationary lunge. That requires you to split your feet apart by taking a step forward. Use the wall for balance if you are a beginner. If you are advanced, you can hold dumbells in your hands during the split squat. Do all repetitions for one side and then repeat for the other side. Drop your hips straight down and use your glutes and hamstrings and quadriceps to push your body back up. Do 8 repetitions per side.

For the mountain climber, get into a pushup position. Brace your abs as if someone was going to punch you in the stomach. Maintain that during the entire exercise. Lift one foot off the ground and bring that knee up to your chest. Touch the foot down. Slowly return to the start position. Alternate sides for 10 repetitions per side.

Do exercises 3 and 4 as another superset, and do it 3 times - the same way as above - only if you are advanced.

5) Reverse lunge

6) Close-grip pushup

A reverse lunge is a moving split squat. Stand with your feet together. Take a step back with one leg. Drop your hips down and bend both knees. Then squeeze your butt and thigh of the front leg (the leg that didn't go anywhere) and pull yourself back up to the start position. Do 8 reps on one side and 8 on the other. Beginners use the wall for balance. Advanced can hold dumbells in hands.

The close grip pushup is the same as the normal pushup, except your hands are shoulder width apart, not wider. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides. This works your triceps (the back of your arms) more. Do 8-15 repetitions.

Advanced fitness levels can do 3 supersets. beginners just one set of each.

7) Jumping jacks

Finish the workout with the classic Jumping Jack exercise. beginners do 20 and then stretch. Advanced fitness levels can do 50 jumping jacks, take a 30 second break, and repeat up to 3 times. Then finish with stretching for your tight muscle groups.

This workout should take no more than 24 minutes, but it will boost your metabolism for 24 hours.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked home workouts for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. The Turbulence Training Fat Loss discussion forum workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's home bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Ballantyne

How to Lose Thigh Fat in 2 Weeks - Simple Tips to Help You Lose Thigh Fat Fast

Wouldn't it be nice if you could learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks? Regardless if you are trying to fit into your wedding dress or trying to fit into your favorite jeans, you can lose thigh fat. No matter if problem if your thighs, belly, or hips simply won't let you go despite what you do, there is a solution to your problems.

So if you really want to learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks here is the truth. The truth is, there really is no one special exercise you can do just to lose thigh fat. While there are exercises that target the thighs, if you want to lose thigh fat fast you must target the whole body.

With that being said, the first step to losing thigh fat is following a weight loss program that targets your whole body. In order to lose weight you must take action; follow a proven weight loss program and exercise. Stop making excuses why you can't start your diet this week and start today. The faster you start the quicker you will lose weight.

So do if your ready to start losing thigh fat and are done will all of the excuses, here are some tips on how you can lose thigh fat in 2 weeks.

First start by eating foods that will help you burn fat. Fat burning foods will help boost your metabolism, burn calories and increase fat loss. Some of these foods include eggs, low fat dairy products, beans (navy beans,white beans, kidney beans lima beans), oatmeal, olive oil, whole grains and lean cut meats.

Water is good for you so drink lots of water. Yeah, I am sure you have heard that over a hundred times. However drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day, will this help decrease your appetite and keep you feeling full, but it will also flush away all of the harmful toxins and sodium deposits from your body, which will increase metabolism and help you lose thigh fat.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, it is essential that you eat smaller meals. The goal is to eat smaller portion meals through the day, but stop eating before you get full. This way your body has the calories it needs to burn fat, and it will burn calories faster due to the smaller servings of food. So eating four to five meals a day keeps your metabolism going at a good rate, oppose to eating three large meals. Therefore, you burn more fat and calories through out the day

Exercise as frequently as often. It is important that you incorporate exercise with your weight loss plan. If you want to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks you should include weights in your exercise workout. Twenty-minute workouts every other day doing squats, lunges, and crunches using a 5 to 10 pound weights or whatever weight you fell comfortable with will help you lose the fat tremendously. While weight lifting exercises tend to burn the fat faster and longer then aerobics and walking, you may also want to include them into you work out for best results.

Cathy Powell has been overweight for the majority of her life. After trying countless methods to lsoe weight without results, she finally found the secret to weight loss [http://www.weightloss1on1.com]. Visit Cathy's free web site at Weight Loss 1 on 1 [http://www.weightloss1on1.com] and discover how you can lose weight and become healthier.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cathy_Powell

Start Fasting for Weight Loss and Burn Off Fat Fast

If you want to burn your body fat fast, then the way to go is through intermittent fasting. This kind of fasting for weight loss does not only deliver fast and permanent results, but it is also easy to follow. You can still eat your favourite foods while you lose all your unwanted weight.

Intermittent or short-term alternate fasting is more of a lifestyle rather than a weight loss method. This makes it more effective for you when achieving your weight loss goals. The results may vary from one person to another depending on the goals you have set for yourself and taking the individual lifestyle each follows under consideration.

Basic Concept

Intermittent or short-term fasting for weight loss is a concept where you alternately stop eating food (fasting) for a short period of time (up to 24 hours) and then resume eating your favourite food. It is effective in helping you lose weight rapidly with long-term results, as well as in bringing other health benefits such as the following:

Reduce sugar in the blood preventing diabetes and other glucose-related diseases;
Lower bad cholesterol and decreasing the risks for high blood pressure;
Improve metabolism and optimizes the functions of the digestive system;
Preserve muscle strength as you burn body fats and lose weight in the process.

Apart from these health benefits, other benefits include controlling our food addiction that leads to excess weight, overcoming depression and anxiety (where others resort to food bingeing to comfort themselves), and generally start living a healthier lifestyle.

How to Start Fasting

You can immediately start intermittent fasting for weight loss. You can follow either a weekly fasting interval or a shorter fasting duration. In the former, you abstain from eating your food for up to 24 hours one day in a week. The second option allows you to fast for lesser number of hours (say three to six hours) but more times weekly (two to three days in a week).

It is really up to you to find the intermittent fasting plan that will work best according to your needs. This is what sets it apart from the rest of the diet methods and plans. You can customize your fasting to fit your lifestyle. This is, also, what makes it more effective in burning your body fats to lose weight. The method does not tie you to any stringent protocol. It therefore increases your chances to succeed.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss is a simple method to burn body fats naturally. You work with your body by introducing healthy changes in your eating habits. As you retrain your appetite to distinguish what is real hunger from what you only feel like hunger, you lose your excess weight easily and quickly. Before you know it, fasting has already become part of your healthy routine.

For more info on how to lose weight easily with fasting Click Eat Stop Eat. Once there you'll find plenty of great information as well as being able to read my first hand Eat Stop Eat Review.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Major

Burn Fat All Day and Lose Weight Fast

If you want to burn fat all day then you have to take some concrete steps and get disciplined. Once you get used to the new lifestyle this will become natural and you will start to achieve your fat loss goals. The results you achieve will further motivate you to make this lifestyle your natural way of living. Let's get started.

1) Build more lean muscles - Focus on building more muscles as this will help you to burn fat all day. All the food you eat will get converted into energy for the muscles. For this it is important that you eat enough proteins like - fish, chicken, soy bean and lentils.

2) Interval training - We know that simple cardio exercises will help to increase the metabolism and help you to burn more fat only for short period of time. After you complete the exercise the metabolism normally drops off and so will the fat burning process.

However if you introduce interval training then you can have metabolism working for you much longer after you complete the training. Interval training is nothing but exercise with high intensity followed by a period of rest and then repeating it.

For example you sprint really fast for 2 minutes then take rest for 3 minutes. Repeat this cycle several times and start to increase the activity period and reduce the rest period slowly over a period of time.

This type training will help you to reduce belly fat, keep metabolism up for hours after you complete the exercise and burn fat all day.

Do the normal cardio exercise 5-6 times a week and do interval training 3-4 days a week to start with.

3) Eat 5-6 times a day - If you want to burn fat all day then you will have to eat 5-5 times a day after each 3 hour interval. Eat proteins and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs will be difficult to breakdown and will prevent the insulin spikes. For example eat brown rice instead of white rice or brown bread instead of white bread.

Also eat fresh fruits and vegetables. When you eat 5-6 times a day your body will know that there is enough food throughout the day and it will not store any fat. This will help to keep metabolism high and burn more fat all day.

4) Weight training - It is important that you do weight training at least 3 times a week. This can be exercises using dumbbells or your own body weight. For example push ups, squats, bench press etc. If you like visiting the gym then regularly use the gym for weight training. This is one of the best exercises to burn fat all day, as it will keep your metabolism high for a long time after you complete the exercises.

5) Eat slow release protein - Your muscles need to be fed well for burning fat throughout the day even when you sleep. If you eat slow release protein supplements before hitting the bed this will help to feed the muscles all night. Because slow release protien will be difficult to digest it won't get converted into fat and will help to burn more calories.

Do you want to know more about how to burn fat fast that can produce results for sure? To get access to some amazing fat loss diets that are proven, tried and tested visit my blog by clicking - Healthy Quick Weight Loss Diets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maria_Johnson