Weightlifting Or Cardio To Lose Body Fat

Weight training or cardiovascular aerobic training? Which training technique is best for losing body fat? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive each and every week in my quest of helping people build effective fat burning exercise programs. This simple question can lead to the misfortune of inconsistent fat loss results, and even frustration.

Clients want to know if they should avoid weight training programs altogether and stick to the alleged fat burning aerobic training. Many are convinced that lower intensity cardiovascular training will enable them to lose body fat at a greater rate than with just weightlifting exercises alone.

Let's take a closer look at which exercise regimen, weight training or aerobics, is the best system to lose body fat. Both training systems are vastly different from one another.

Aerobic or cardiovascular training is performed with high volume, and low intensity exercise. Oxygen is required; and exercise can last for twenty plus continuous minutes with an elevated heart rate.

The benefits resulting from aerobic or cardiovascular training is an increase in cardiovascular function, and a decrease in body fat from the extra calorie burn.

However, with positives, there are also negatives. There are a few things lost when training aerobically. First off, over time, a decrease in strength from muscle breakdown occurs. This decrease in strength results from a decrease in muscle mass, power, speed, and anaerobic capacity.

On the other hand, with weight training programs, there is a huge increase in muscle tissue, metabolism, strength, speed, power, and anaerobic capacity. There is even a slight increase in cardiovascular function.

Now why do many fitness participants feel that cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is far superior for fat loss? It is quite simple; they are listening to people who are not thinking about physiology. However, one thing they do understand is the preferred fuel used during low intensity aerobic exercise is fat. Therefore, many feel if a greater percentage of fatty acids are burned for fuel, a greater fat loss will occur. But, is this true?

As a matter of fact, fat is the primary fuel used while sleeping. Thus, wouldn't the best exercise to lose body fat be sleep? Not necessarily even though a greater percentage of fatty acids are used for fuel during rest.

In my opinion, training at a low intensity aerobically, with a goal for maximum fat loss, is the greatest myth for losing body fat.

Here is a fat loss example that will help you understand what type of training is best to lose body fat. On Monday you walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes at a very comfortable 3.3 miles per hour. The results of your cardiovascular training session include a calorie burn of 300 calories, where a high 60% of the fuel is supplied from fatty acids. Now, on Tuesday, you decide to run on the treadmill for 15 minutes at a very high intensity level of 6 miles per hour with a 7% incline grade. Your heart rate was registered at 85% of your maximum heart rate, and you burned 350 calories in those 15 minutes with a greater percentage of sugar burned than fat. That leaves you with a greater caloric burn of 50 additional calories resulting from exercising at a higher intensity for only a 15 minute duration. This will, over an extended period of time, lead to greater overall fat, and weight loss compared to the 30 minute, lower intensity aerobic training session.

Now to lose body fat, it simply isn't true that lower intensity, longer duration exercise, which burns a greater percentage of fatty acids is far superior in overall fat loss compared to higher intensity, higher calorie burning weightlifting, or cardiovascular training.

With that said, the most effective way to lose body fat is through a higher intensity training program like weight training because of the higher calorie burn, and the elevated metabolism from the added active, fat burning muscle tissue. The added muscle tissue burns calories 24 hours per day. It is much more important to think about the amount of calories expended versus the percentage of fat or sugar used as preferred, primary fuel.

Now I'm sure you agree weight training can be a more effective fat loss exercise program, but the ultimate fat burning exercise regimen is to combine weight training with higher intensity cardiovascular workouts. The best way to implement this training session is by performing your strength training routine first immediately followed by your cardiovascular training regimen.

After reading this article you now know the truth about the most effective way to lose body fat through exercise. Don't fall for the lower intensity exercise equals more fat burn myth, but instead push yourself with higher intensity workouts. You will lose body fat at a high rate.

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Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC

9461 Charleville Blvd. #312

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Jim O'Connor, a Beverly Hills Exercise Physiologist, is the publisher of a free online multimedia fitness advice guide called Wellness WORD. Discover the latest health and fitness trends in audio, video, and text right from the comfort of your home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Connor

4 Miracle Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Can Peanut Butter Really Make Your Stomach Flat?

Irrespective of what TV commercials that sell the latest ab machine or fat loss potion will make you believe, nutrition is the most important factor if your priority is to burn belly as fast as possible. You can start living in the gym, but if your diet is not up to scratch you will have to settle for living with an expanding waistline.

However, if you are sick of hearing that the only way to lose stomach fat is to eat only raw fruits and vegetables, I've got good news for you. There are certain fat burning foods that are healthy, taste good and will help you to shed belly fat. In fact, there's a good chance that you haven't even tried some of them.

* Goji berries - super high in protein and amino acids, goji berries are also packed with vitamins and have six times more antioxidants than blueberries. They have very high fiber content and 5 different fatty acids which makes them a perfect fat-burning food as well as a powerful immune system booster. Look for them in your local heath food store in dried form and with no added sweeteners.

* Peanut butter - this kid-friendly food is surprisingly waist-friendly as well. It contains niacin, which prevent bloating and aids in digestive health. Make sure that you buy all- natural peanut butter as it doesn't contain vegetable fat, added salt and sugar. Skippy is out of the question. A good idea for a snack is to spread some of it on a celery stick. It burns fat and fiber from the celery will suppress appetite as well.

* Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese - it's low in calories, rich in calcium, and activates fat-burning hormones. Also because it contains a fair amount of protein, it will suppress your appetite and you'll stay fuller for longer. It also contains the highest amount of protein than any other dairy product.

* Green Tea - it's rich in antioxidants and has been proven to speed up metabolism. So much so that research has showed that people who drink green tea on average burn 260 calories more per day than those who don't. Avoid bottled teas as processing they go through deplete their fat burning ingredients.

Please pay close attention here,

I urge you to read the text on the next page and then listen to the free video very carefully. It contains some of the best information on burning belly fat [http://www.bellyfatcure.info] safely and naturally, as well as a comprehensive step-by-step program that will burn fat off your waistline up to 3X faster than conventional programs.

Go and see for yourself --> Click Here [http://www.bellyfatcure.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Thomas

Burning Belly Fat - The Secret Key!

Basal metabolic rate (BMR), my goodness that sounds like a long confusing phrase that someone who just wants to lose their belly fat needn't know about! Well, sorry but bear with me for a minute, BMR is at the very heart of losing belly fat and is the secret key to getting the body you deserve. Here is why:

BMR equates to the amount of energy your body burns off whilst at rest. This energy is burnt off by simply keeping the vital organs of the body alive and functioning properly. If this rate is low then you don't use up many calories, if it is high then the body uses up a lot of calories. Clearly for weight loss purposes a high BMR is very desirable, what it means is that even at rest when you are doing nothing you can be burning through calories and contributing to weight loss. So, how can you increase your basal metabolic rate? here are a few tips that will point you in the right direction:

1) Interval training. Aside from the health benefits of exercise on the cardio-vascular system as well as the calories that you use up whilst you exercise, exercise also increases the BMR so after you whilst you exercise and after you finish your BMR is higher. Just what the doctor ordered for burning belly fat. Interval training is more stressful than long continuous training such as jogging. It requires you to perform short bursts of exercise followed by short periods of light exercise and increases MBR much more than old fashioned long continuous forms of exercise.

2) Weight lifting. Similar to the previous point but lifting weights gives an even greater boost to BMR which lasts for even longer, so make sure you put this on your belly burning to do list. What is more the more muscle you have in your body the higher your MBR will be because simply your body ha more tissue to take care of, so keep pumping iron!

3) Drinking tea and coffee. Both of these have been shown to raise BMR and are both also proclaimed to have certain disease preventing qualities such as anti-oxidants. Another simple yet effective technique.

4) Regular food consumption. I think we can all agree that the bodies main job is to keep itself alive and functioning properly. To that end if the body is made to feel it is starving then it will lower its MBR in order to hold onto the energy that it does have to ensure it can stay alive longer. This is known as the starvation response and is why drastic calorie cutting does not work! The body will try and hang on to every calorie and fat cell it can in order to stay alive. At the other end of the scale however, if the body is happy and believes it has a comfortable supply of food that it will quite happily raise its MBR and burn off excess calories. So, eating regular meals and not skipping breakfast is a must in order to burn belly fat fast!

5) Eating spicy foods. Spicy ingredients such as chillis contain a certain chemical that triggers the speeding up of the MBR, so that is another handy trick.

Now, that you an idea of a few really simple yet effective ways to raise your MBR, why not go ahead and put them into practise no-one else is responsible for burning your belly fat, only you!

The Author Provides A FREE 6 Part 'Burn Belly Fat' Mini-Course Available Here: Burn Belly Fat or Buy Strip That Fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=T_Ryan

Burning Belly Fat - Tummy Reducing Exercises

The term "love handles" is not considered cuddly and loving for anyone concerned about their weight. In fact one of the hardest areas to lose weight is your tummy. You can target that ugly belly fat in a number of ways. One of the most effective ways to trim your belly fat is to do some simple exercises. Here are five easy methods to lose that spare tire

Climbing stairs:

If you want to improve your leg muscles and quads as well as losing belly fat you should start climbing. In order to achieve this you do not necessarily have to go on a strenuous hike. Just 30 minutes a day repeatedly climbing the stairs in your home will help you to lose weight.

A treadmill is another way to exercise going uphill. You can increase the incline of your treadmill by 10 to 15 degrees and walk at a steady pace for at least 15 minutes. Increase the time you do on the treadmill as you get more into condition.


You can burn belly fat by doing squats. They will burn a lot of calories and hel you to reduce your waist size. You will need some space to do this exercise. Put the tips of your fingers on the ground to balance yourself and crouch down and up at least 100 times. Your goal should be to do 100 squats in less than 5 minutes. As you get more conditioned you can try for 200 squats in 10 minutes. You should not do more than you can with this exercise as your body needs time to adjust.

Vacuum exercise:

This easy exercise is very effective in reducing stomach fat. these exercises do noit require any equipment. Suck your stomach in as much as you can. Hold it for a count of 50 to 60 seconds and then let it out. Rest if needs be and repeat the action. Do this for 20 minutes a day and you will see results. You should trim at least an inch off your waist in around a month.

Bicycle crunches:

These exercises will help you trim that spare tire. Lie down on a mat with your hands behind your head. Slowly touch your right elbow with your left knee. Repeat with your right knee touching your left elbow. Tense up your abdomen when you do this. do these exercises for around 15 minutes. Speed up the exercises as your body gets into better condition.

Hula Hoop:

Remember those child hood toys? In case you do not here is a brief explanation. A hula hoop is a large plastic ring that you twirl around your waist by a circular movement of your hips. The circular movement exercises your tummy muscles and will help you lose that spare tire. You should do this exercise for 2 minutes and then take a rest for 15. One of the best ways to do this is to watch your favorite TV show and do your hula exercises during advertisements. An hour long show will have at least 4 ad slots. After an hour your exercises will be done. Remember to do this everyday and you wil see that spare tire disappear.

Cathy Q is giving away a free mini course "5 Strategies to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off" to take advantage of this offer please visit [http://lose10lbamonth.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Qazalbash

What Foods Can Help You Burn Belly Fat?

Usually, the body part most people have difficulty with when it comes to weight loss is the stomach, and especially the lower section and love handles. However, there's a trick to everything, and although it will take time and patience, there is definitely a way to get rid of that stubborn belly fat once and for all. How to Lose Weight the right way is also related to losing belly fat; if you haven't seen results, it is probably because you haven't been doing the right things.

Forget everything you've heard about crunches and sit-ups. The truth is that you should not be targeting your abdominal area during exercises more than twice a week and usually crunches and sit-ups are not very effective. When it comes to fitness training, the secret to losing belly fat is to do full body workouts and not target the abdominals often. Focusing on exercises for the stomach when you already have fat on it will cause you to form a bigger and thicker waist and stomach area.

Why? This is because you are building muscle on top of fat. The first thing you have to do is to burn the fat, and then begin to build muscle. Here are some good exercises that will help you burn belly fat without targeting your stomach:

1. Staircase workouts

2. Wind sprints and hill sprints

3. Bodyweight workouts

4. Swimming

5. Mountain biking

6. Jumping exercises

7. Indoor or outdoor rock climbing

8. Bag boxing

Another important thing to keep in mind is that proper nutrition is probably the most important aspect of losing stomach fat. So, if you are constantly at the gym and wondering why you haven't been able to get rid of your stomach fat, then you probably have not been eating the right things. Fat loss diets are a great way to start losing belly fat, and there are specific foods that are target fat loss and allow you to lose weight at a faster rate.

One of the most effective foods for stomach weight loss is whole grains. Stay away from refined grains, because a diet rich in whole grains will change the glucose and insulin response in your body, which will speed up the melting of fat process in your abdominal area.

Also, studies have shown that a diet with a higher ratio of monounsaturated fats can prevent the buildup of belly fat. Some foods to avoid are Trans fats such as margarines, crackers, and cookies, because they are made with partially hydrogenated oils which means that their fat content will be deposited mostly in the abdominal area.

Soluble fiber such as apples, oats and cherries lower the insulin levels, which as mentioned above, can reduce the amount of belly fat storage. Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) can burn more belly fat and they can be found in the following foods:

1. Oils such as olive oil and canola oil

2. Nuts and seeds, such as cashews, peanuts and walnuts

3. Avocadoes

4. Dark Chocolate

5. Grape seed oil

6. Soybean oil

Losing belly fat can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Make sure that you are following a proper and balanced nutrition plan and are exercising regularly. In addition, never skip breakfast, drink LOTS of water, and carefully monitor everything you eat! Don't get discouraged, be patient and give yourself time. When learning about How to Lose Weight, do it the right way. Your health is important, so give it the attention it deserves!

Click to Lose Belly Fat Here: http://loseweightrightway.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hanieh_Khosroshahi

Fat Burning Foods and Recipes - Eat and Stay Thin!

What's the fun in dieting when all you are allowed to eat is rabbit food? Its no wonder we never stick to our diets! Wouldn't it be great if we were allowed to eat as much as we wanted, but not pick up any weight? Or better still, lose some of it!

Here are some great fat burning foods and recipes that will allow you to eat when you feel hungry, but will also help boost your metabolism so that you're losing stubborn belly fat at the same time.

I know you're probably keen to get to the recipes (we all know how tough it can be to think of what's for dinner every night!), but let us start by discussing the kind of fat burning foods you can incorporate into your snacks and meals. Try and include one or two of these foods in every meal and you will be moving one step closer to your ideal weight.

Fat Burning Foods

Beans. There, I said it. I know beans aren't everybody's favorite food (well, not mine anyway), so I thought I would get it out of the way first. Beans contain plenty of protein and fibre, so they are great for building muscle and the fibre helps prevent your body from absorbing fat. Of course, the more muscle you build, the faster you will be burning fat too. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body needs to burn to sustain the muscles. Building muscle mass is therefore a great way to get your body burning fat naturally.

Eggs are also packed with muscle building protein, which is why eggs are a favorite food for body builders. Eggs also contain B12 which destroys fat cells.

Dairy products contain calcium - also great for boosting metabolism. Low fat cheese and milk contains plenty of calcium and carbohydrates which also help to keep your body from storing fat. Some people advise only using skim milk, but most dietitians will tell you that not all fat is bad for you and recommend low fat milk rather than skim milk.

Green Vegetables provide your body with the nutrients it needs to keep healthy and stay thin. Steam your vegetables to keep them crisp and help retain all those fat burning nutrients. Oh, and try not to drown your lettuce in salad dressing, as that would defeat the purpose of eating them in the first place! If you want a little dressing on your salad, use the light dressings or drizzle some olive oil over the top of your salads.

Wholegrain cereal and oatmeal is a great breakfast option. It contains fibre and complex carbohydrates, and it satisfies your hunger quicker so you don't eat more than you should.

Olive oil is a far better option than regular cooking oil which contains too much fat for our liking. Simply replacing your regular cooking oil with olive oil will give you a much healthier meal, and your cholesterol levels will be kept in check.

Lean meat such as lean beef, chicken, pork and turkey are natural additions to this list thanks to the much needed muscle building protein they add to your diet. Turkey and skinless chicken breasts are probably the best metabolism boosting, muscle building foods you can eat.

Fish is said to be great brain food, but has fat burning benefits as well. Salmon is high in Omega 3 content which lowers your leptin levels and helps burn calories. Tuna contains muscle building protein, and sardines are a body building favorite because of their high levels of protein and fish oil - another awesome fat burner.

Fat Burning Recipes

Having the ingredients is one thing, but putting them together to create a great tasting, fat burning meal can be a daunting task. These 3 fat burning recipes prove that eating healthily does not necessarily have to be a boring, tasteless dining experience.

1. Turkey Meatloaf


1 package of lean ground turkey meat
pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup spinach
6 chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped spinach
1 bunch of chopped scallions
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/2 packet of buttermilk hidden valley mix
1 tbl. of organic ketchup


Mix all of the ingredients (except the ketchup) together in a bowl until thoroughly combined with the meat. Place in a baking pan and pat down, then spread ketchup on top.

Place in the oven at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

For the last few minutes, switch to broil so that the top gets a nice golden brown finish.

2. Cabbage Soup


5 carrots, chopped
3 onions, chopped
2 (16 ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes, with liquid
1 large head cabbage, chopped
1 (1 ounce) envelope dry onion soup mix
1 (15 ounce) can cut green beans, drained
2 quarts tomato juice
2 green bell peppers, diced
10 stalks celery, chopped
1 (14 ounce) can beef broth


Place the carrots, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, peppers, and celery into a large pot. Add onion soup mix, tomato juice, beef broth, and enough water to cover the vegetables. Simmer until vegetables are tender.

3. Tuna Salad


4oz Tuna
2 tsp Olive Oil
Mesculin Greens
Red Onions
1 tbl Balsamic Vinegar

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and coat the tuna on both sides. Place one tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and sear each side on medium heat. In a bowl, throw in the lettuce, onions, balsamic, and olive oil and toss together.

Cut tuna in thin slices and place on salad.

These are just 3 examples of how anybody can make great tasting meals using fat burning foods. Your meals do not necessarily need to be extravagant or even expensive. Use the list of foods in the list above, and try to incorporate 2 or 3 of these ingredients into your meals every day.

For more fun weight loss tips like these on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat, go ahead and visit my blog at [http://www.stubbornbellyfat.net] and have a browse!

Until next time...

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_N_Carter

2 Powerful Items Already In Your Kitchen To Burn Fat And Lose Weight Fast

Through out my 8 years of research and experimenting, I've discovered 2 powerful items already in your kitchen to burn fat and lose weight fast that actually has a tremendous effect on whether you're going to lose weight or not.

So, what are these 2 powerful items? Are you sitting down? Drum roll please.....water & fiber! That's right. These two items are so powerful if you are trying to burn fat and lose weight, that they can make or break your entire weight loss endeavors!

Sure, the whole world from the beginning all the way until now has heard how important water is for your health. You want to read something strange? Even though everyone knows how important water is, most people still don't drink enough of it?! Water is extremely important to your health and weight loss goals. It aides in fat burning and sculpting that lean muscular body everyone wants. Water can do so many tricks when it comes to you wanting to lose weight, such as keeping you from snacking and eating unhealthy. How? Well because sometimes, and actually most of the time, when you may be feeling hunger through out the day, even if you have been eating frequently, you are actually dehydrated. That previous point pretty much justifies that you need water in your body even more than food. After all, our bodies are made up of more than 60% water.

Ready for a horror story? If you are dehydrated, your body is going to punish you, and punish you badly! The biggest punishment in regards to losing weight is that dehydration will stop burning body fat for energy. If this happens, your weight loss efforts just pretty much went down in the toilet! So, pick up some refreshing ice cold water and get to chugging! Add some lemon or lime to your water if you want to, for extra flavor. Doing so is also an extra health benefit as it is good for your liver.

Here is a little secret for you. Well, it's not that much of a secret since I've mentioned it a few times already through some other articles and my blog. But, the little secret is to drink ice cold water, not just regular water from the faucet, or even water in the fridge. Make sure it is really ice cold. Drinking ice cold water causes a thermogenic effect. When you drink ice cold water, your body will warm the water to body temperature. When this is happening, your body is burning one calorie for every ounce of ice cold water you are drinking! You can burn 164 calories just by drinking a gallon of ice cold water a day!

Can I have another drum roll please? The other powerful item is fiber. Fiber is your weight loss best friend. Why? Because fiber will slow down your digestion, make you feel fuller, burn fat, and reduce cravings! With all of those benefits, you might want to go pass friendship and straight to marriage!

Excellent sources of fiber are fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grain bread (make sure it says whole grain), whole grain cereals (make sure they are not high in sugar), and oatmeal. Those foods are also very high in other important nutrients your body needs for you to effectively lose weight. By the way, foods rich in fiber are highly craved by your body. Respect your body and give it what it wants! Fiber also through several studies have been shown to prevent several common diseases such as certain cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases. Eat up people!

So, if you want maximum results, to burn fat, lose weight, and get that lean muscular body you've been dreaming of, well stop dreaming firstly, and start drinking a lot more ice cold water, and get more fiber in your diet. Combine proper weight training into the mix along with eating several small healthy meals daily, and your body will not only thank you by giving you that special "healthy feeling", but it will thank you with great health, longevity and the look you've been wanting so long.

Are you you ready to "lose weight" now? To get started, or to improve your current weight loss efforts, I recommend for you to take a look at this powerful fat burning program. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles and his site. If you're looking for more free valuable tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, then be sure to visit Conquer Weight Loss , and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

Fat Burning Kitchen - The Perfect Compliment to the Truth About Abs

The Fat Burning Kitchen is the newest product from the author and creator of the Truth About Abs. It is the 24-Hour diet transformation that will turn your body into a fat-burning machine. The basis of this book is to show you foods you should eat and foods you should stay away from. Following this advice will help your body burn fat and lose weight.

The book is laid out in two sections. The first section tells you all the types of foods that you should stay away from. If you have any of these types of food in your house, you should throw them away. These kinds of foods either stop your body from burning fat, or they are just bad for you and add fat to your body.

The second section tells you all the foods you should be eating in order to help your body burn off more fat. It is not a grocery list, but it does list tons of healthy, fat burning foods, along with the types of foods that you should be eating. These foods are proven to help your body burn more fat.

The book offers recipes, a very generic planner, and tons of links to help you find the best foods available. It is the perfect compliment to the Truth About Abs. Read the Fat Burning Kitchen first, and get your body ready to burn off all your fat. Then read the Truth About Abs to keep your body burning fat, losing weight, and your abs ripped.

If you want to turn your body into a Fat Burning Kitchen, pick up the new book from the creator of Truth About Abs.

Take the Truth About Abs Scam Challenge.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martin_Laritz

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat - Steps to Lose Belly Fat

Many people find belly fat extremely difficult to get rid of. Obesity can increase over time as a result of over eating, stress and children. Choosing an the best way to lose belly fat can be somewhat difficult. Depending on your fitness goals cardio or aerobic exercises can produce effective results. However if you want to tighten abdominal muscles then you will need to perform ab exercises. The most effective methods to target belly fat is to incorporate both aerobic or cardio and ab exercises.

This method allows you to lose the stomach weight while toning the muscles. Many people who have a lot of belly fat often make the mistake of doing ab exercises and no aerobic or cardio. Doing this will only create fat on top of muscle. When you lose the fat around your mid section you can better see the results of your ab workouts. Combining workouts and healthy eating is a great way to lose the weight and keep it off. Many people chose to diet instead of learning how and what to eat.

There are many ways to eat healthier without giving up taste. You can still eat tasty foods that are low in fat and calories, although you may have to become your own chef. Cooking your meals at home allows you to monitor what you are putting into your body. When you prepare your foods at home you can regulate the fatty oils, the amount of salt, processed foods, etc. Healthy eating and consistent exercise will reduce that belly fat in absolutely no time.

Next, Click Here [http://www.weightlossproject.net] to Get a Professional Step by Step Plan for Losing Weight. Fat Loss 4 Idiots, has helped thousands to quickly shed unwanted fat, and Now it is available for Immediate Download [http://www.weightlossproject.net] Come Check it Out!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Spencer_Ray

Fat Burning Diet - A Step by Step Guide to a Fat Burning Diet

A fat burning diet consists of eating foods that are both low in simple sugars as well as low in fat. Simple sugars provide instant energy to the body. However, if the body is in a sedentary state the sugars will be converted into fat reserves. Foods with simple sugars include things like candy bars, non-diet soft drinks, refined table sugars, and pastries.

When you feel the need to satisfy a sugar pang it is best to try getting it from a natural source such as fresh fruit. Simple sugars are known to be quickly metabolized by the body making it virtually effortless for them to be consumed.

If you stick to a fat burning diet involving complex carbohydrates and fibers such as natural fruits and vegetables, the digestion period will be slower and the body will actually burn fat in its effort to digest food. This will result in greater energy levels throughout the day which causes the individual to be less tired and more active, thus burning greater amounts of fat.

When too much fat is consumed the body creates more reserves in the form of fat cells which appear in mass around areas such as the stomach, waist and buttocks. Such unsightly fat deposits can cause disgust with the physical appearance of one's own body.

However, since fat must be consumed in order for the body to function properly it is best to get it from healthy sources such as nuts and certain vegetables. These foods, as opposed to animal sources, contain "good fat" that does not clog up the arteries.

For example, foods such as olive oil and avocados contain monounsaturated fat that actually helps the body lower levels of cholesterol resulting in better overall energy levels and greater physical activity. Sticking to such a diet will boost the metabolism over time and contribute to significant fat loss.

In sum, the best fat burning diet is one that consumes food that promises to provide energy that the body can use to remain active the entire day.

Next, Click Here [http://www.weightlossproject.net] to Get a Professional Step by Step Plan for Losing Weight. Fat Loss 4 Idiots, has helped thousands to quickly shed unwanted fat, and Now it is available for Immediate Download [http://www.weightlossproject.net] Come Check it Out!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Spencer_Ray

3 Basic Steps To Burn Belly Fat Now

Many people struggle with burning belly fat and this is despite being bombarded with millions of commercial diets in the media. This is because they lack the basic knowledge required to effectively burn fat. This article outlines three important basic steps that everyone needs to know in order to burn belly fat. Knowing how to burn belly fat is the first step in the process as belly fat has been known to be the cause of many debilitating diseases. To effectively flatten your belly, it is important to follow the following steps and incorporate into a daily routine.

Burn as many calories as possible.

The best way to flatten your belly is to eat a reduced calorie diet. This does not mean changing the foods that you eat but eating them in smaller portions or even making relevant substitutions for instance skimmed milk instead of whole milk. You do not have to starve yourself as this is detrimental to weight loss as the body will immediately switch to survival mode as a mechanism thus storing fat for survival. The process of cutting down calories is not as difficult as many people believe. The best way to go about it is to purchase a calorie counter book which outlines the calories count of all foods. You can also search online for calorie content of common foods to help you in your weight loss quest.

Work that belly off.

This compliments a calorie reduced diet as exercising burns consumed calories hence helping in weight loss. The more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. Weight training helps build muscles and the process of muscle building, which need food to grow, burns calories. Regular exercising also increases blood flow and makes the body work more efficiently. It also increases the metabolic rate which in turn burns belly fat gradually. The more you exercise the better shape you get into and of course the leaner and more toned you look.

Proper food choices are key to your success.

You are what you eat and for people aiming to lose weight and burn belly fat, the type of food they eat is very important. One can eat less and burn belly fat immediately however it I important to cut out on foods that give empty calories. Burning more calories than you are eating is not enough. You must also take into consideration the quality of the calories you are eating.

Some easy replacements that get rid of low quality or empty calorie include reducing or getting rid of soda in your diet altogether. This is because soda contains plenty of processes sugar which are empty calories that aid in fat gain. Taking 3 to 4 cans of soda per day translates to 450 to 600 empty calories per day.

Stick to natural foods as opposed to processed foods which are also rich in empty calories. Carrying packed lunch to work will not only help you cut cost but also weight too. A homemade meal of meat and baked potato is cheaper and healthier than burger and fries.

Following these three steps are a sure way of burning belly fat. All you need is persistence and patience and you will be on your way to healthier, happier and trimmer you.

Mark Hall has a special report detailing the facts about 6 pack abs [http://get-a-6-pack.com]. There are many methods that help flatten the belly. For example you can view a video revealing the shocking 90 day results from P90x [http://get-a-6-pack.com/2011/06/17/p90x-shocking-90-day-results/] workout system.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_R._Hall

Simple Steps to Burn Fat With Weight Training






COMPOUND-MOVEMENTS (Free weight or cable movements)




One effective method of resistance training is to conduct a series of exercises in a row (Circuit Training). To make your circuit routine even better for fat loss and metabolism boosting, you want to use basic compound/whole body movements, free weights or cables, medium to high repetitions, and short rests.

Compound and whole body movements work several muscle groups at the same time, which:

Increases calorie burn

Raises cardio-respiratory demand.

(The more muscles that contract at one time, the more oxygen needed. This increases the intensity of the session resulting in more calories burned both during and after the training session.)

When done correctly you will feel an incredible sensation in your body, because you know that all muscles are ignited and the endorphins and good feelings just get dumped in your body.

Benefits of free weights and cables, they:

Allow your joints to move in a natural manner, which are much safer than machines.

Force your stabilizers to strengthen for balanced development and long-term health.

Increase calorie burn through the balance required as compared to machines.

Benefits of medium/high repetitions and shorts rests, they:

Increase growth hormone levels (which help in fat burning and anti-aging

Strengthen the cardio-respiratory system

Increase intensity, which increases the caloric burn during and after the training session

The workouts must be challenging enough to create a disturbance in the body and muscles.

Muscle breakdown is great because.

The repairing of the muscles burns calories and raises metabolism.

After the repairing is done, you now have new muscle protein, which burns extra calories just being alive.

You get stronger and can perform better in life and in the workouts, which burns more fat and calories.

By training in a powerful manner, your body consumes more oxygen during the hours and days after the workout, which burns more calories for 24-48 hours following the training session.

Be adventurous and strive for challenging workouts, they make it more fun and greatly increase your progress towards a healthier, leaner and more defined body.

A beginner will want to start with:

A weight or movement that they can perform for 15-25 controlled repetitions.

1-2 circuits

30-90 seconds rest (depending on fitness levels)

2-3 workouts per week

A sample routine could be:

Squats (regular or off of a bench)

Pushups (on the toes, or knees)

Cable pull downs

Reverse crunch (if they can stabilize their core)

Lunge (or step-up onto a bench)

Dumbbell press over head

Standing cable row

Medicine ball twists (if they can stabilize their core)

An intermediate/advanced trainer can use:

A weight or movement that they can perform for 10-15 controlled repetitions.


30 seconds rest (depending on fitness levels)

2-3 workouts per week

A sample routine could be:

Squats with dumbbell from the floor

Pushups feet on bench and hands on floor


Decline reverse crunch

Lunge with bicep curl

Dumbbell press over head

Squat with cable row

Cable wood chop

By using a system that involves these key ingredients you can benefit from:

Increasing calorie burn during and following your training session,

Keeping your metabolism revved 24-48 hours following exercise.

Stimulating lean muscle tissue, which increases metabolism at rest.

Improving fitness levels, which makes you more efficient at burning body fat

Increasing growth hormone production for increased fat burn, and anti-aging

Improving your cardiovascular and respiratory systems for continued health and weight management.

Note: it is paramount to change-up your program's variables such as exercises used, repetition ranges, rest periods, exercise order, and such. Keep your body guessing and always aim to improve upon your last workout with either more repetitions, less rest, more weight, or better form.

An improved performance leads to an improved body and a feeling of achievement, which makes you want to go back for more.

Everyone has unique desires that bring them great excitement, joy and fulfillment. It is my intention to help people take rapid action and stay consistent in order that they may live their dream."No matter where you are in life, you have the power to re-invent yourself the second you choose to." -Jason Scott Johnson.Experience the new exciting new book on transforming your mind and body: Recreate Yourself: Simple Steps To Rapidly Burn Fat and Sculpt Your Body http://tinyurl.com/Re-CreateNow

Call 818-967-1913 or email: jasonscottjohnson@gmail.com for coaching/training and appearances. For additional information on training, nutrition, motivation and more visit http://www.beyond-fit.com. Jason Scott Johnson works as a Physique Enhancement Specialist, Peak Performance Coach, Speaker, and Author.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Scott_Johnson

Fat Burning Diet Menu For Weight Loss - 3 Steps to Change Your Life!

One thing that's really important to your dieting success is to have a clear fat burning diet menu for weight loss laid out right in front of you. This gives you a clear vision of exactly what you need to eat, as well as how and when to prepare it. A fat burning diet menu for weight loss is absolutely critical to your success!

The dietary approach I personally used to lose 65 pounds in 4 months depends heavily upon the creation of a fat burning diet menu, and fast weight loss is virtually guaranteed when you stick to the meals outlined in your diet menu.

The entire dietary approach, known as calorie shifting, consists of 3 simple steps that, when followed, yield an average weight loss of 9 pounds every 11 days! It's the easiest diet in the world to follow, as you actually hand select many of the foods that go on your fat burning menu in the first place! Here are those steps...

Fat Burning Diet Menu For Weight Loss - 3 Steps To Change Your Life:

Create your 11-day fat burning diet menu for weight loss! Again, you will include foods that you really enjoy, and will eat 4 meals a day. This will get your metabolism burning nice and hot, allowing for about 9 pounds of fat loss during this 11 day stretch. On the 12th day, begin step 2.
Quit your diet! Yeah, you read that correctly! Your metabolism will have been burning white hot during those initial 9 or 10 days, but then will have begun to plateau. Reset it by being bad! 3 days off. Eat whatever the heck you want. Your metabolism will still be high enough to break even (or maybe even continue to lose a little weight!) during these 3 days, so go nuts! At the end of day 3, advance to step 3.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you look and feel exactly the way you want to!

This diet will not only give you a clear-cut path of exactly what you must do to get amazing results, but it also keeps you motivated to stay the course. Those three days of sinful indulgence you get during step two give you a fun reward (other than the weight loss itself) to look forward to, thereby keeping you on task. It worked extremely well for me, and I am convinced it will do the same for you!

Happy fat loss!

Lee Murray is a nutritionist and weight loss expert who is committed to helping you lose weight fast For more information and resources on the amazing diet plan described above, Click Here Now and get started on your new body today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leland_A._Murray

Easy Steps to Fix Your Diet to Accelerate Your Fat Loss

Many new diets appear over the internet, radio, magazines, and TV on a daily basis. These diets promise quick results with very little effort from the dieter. Most of us have been in one form of a diet at one stage of our life. Although some people lose weight on these diets, in many cases, the results are short-lived. Some of the effects of these diets are:

• They cause changes in your metabolic system

• Some people gain their weight back and also add some extra weight

• The design of these diets make you lose water instead of fat

• They do not assist you in changing your food habits, and

• Many people continue to crave for unhealthy foods, which makes it easier for them to go back to their bad eating habits.

Where do we start to fix our diet?

Most people think that the word diet refers to some fixed regime that must be followed religiously for a specific period of time. A simple definition of diet is 'what you eat on a daily basis'.

Tip 1: Making Healthy food choices should be your priority

Ask yourself, why do I want to eat healthy or change my eating habits? Once you have an answer, it is time to change one habit at a time. Taking baby steps will assist you in developing permanent good habits that will assist with your fat loss for a very long time. For example, you may want to start by reducing sugar intake in tea or changing from margarine to butter. Stick to one habit at a time until it becomes part of your healthy eating. This will take time for you to realize the desired results but it will create the ever-lasting good food habits.

Tip 2: Enjoy your food

The preparation methods and the ingredients you use to prepare food can contribute on whether you enjoy your healthy foods or not. Many people always complain that healthy foods do not have good taste. Use fresh ingredients and fresh herbs to make your food tasty. Adding spices and fresh herbs into existing recipes will make food more palatable and enjoyable. Do not be afraid to change your recipes according to your taste. Your taste buds will soon get used to the new healthy taste.

Remember that the quality and quantity of food you consume matters in your plan to lose weight and improve health.

G.T Taylor in a scientist with 20 years experience in nutrition. Remember that fixing your diet shouldn't be too hard. It requires determination and following through the plan. for more information click on this website: http://www.nutritionanddietmakeover.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=GT_Taylor

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast: Step by Step

Below is how to lose weight fast, step by step.

Step 1 - Clean out your kitchen and do away with junk food

Many people fill their kitchen with junk food which includes sugary snacks and drinks. These foods are rich in carbohydrates and sugars which when consumed are converted into complex fats and glucose. The enzyme responsible for converting carbs and sugars into fat would not let you live longer if you eat junk food more often.

Long term consumption of junk food and sugary drinks leads to the body converting starch and sugars into bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol is stored in the body around the thighs, hips and waist therefore leading to obesity.

To lose weight fast you need to clean out your kitchen and eliminate the junk food and sugary drinks.

Step 2 - Purchase fruits and vegetables

Fruits such as apples and pears are rich sources of fiber, water and other minerals which help to accelerate the rate of metabolism therefore leading to fat burning, resulting in weight loss. Natural sugars found in the fruits help to act as a source of energy for bodily functions when converted into glucose.

Vegetables such as spinach and kales are rich sources of various minerals such as potassium, calcium and fibre. Calcium is known to accelerate fat burning in the body therefore leading to weight loss. Filling your kitchen with fruits and vegetables will allow you to prepare healthy meals and snacks such as salads.

Step 3 - Cook homemade meals

The majority of restaurants do not prepare healthy foods and ingredients used in making the meals are rich in unsaturated fats and sugars. Many people are fond of eating in restaurants or ordering food from fast food joints. While it may be convenient to have meals prepared for you or delivered to you, you are increasing chances of being obese.

Preparing home cooked meals enable you to purchase organic grown ingredients such as vegetables, spices and fruits therefore when consumed; one is able to gain the full benefits from the minerals and nutrients therefore losing weight in the process.

Step 4 - Drink water regularly

Water contains no calories therefore it is perfect for helping one to lose weight fast. Experts recommend individuals to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Many people are busy during the day and may forget to follow the regular schedule of drinking water.

The best way to remember is by wrap 6 to 8 rubber bands around the wrist and each time you take a glass of water, you need to remove a rubber band and place it aside. Drinking water regularly especially before meals helps to act as an appetite suppressor. This prevents one from consuming junk food or sugary drinks.

Drinking water between bites when eating helps to fill up one's stomach therefore reducing one's appetite in the process.

Step 5 - Join a Gym

Although all the above steps are vital to the process of losing weight fast, one have to also consider joining a local Gym in order to keep your body workout active. You do not have to consider expensive subscriptions when it comes to choosing your gym membership, as they are plenty of offers around you. Check for cheap Gym Membership deals in your local area. Remember, the most important thing here is to keep your body up and running, burn more calories, keep fit and eventually live longer.

In conclusion, how to lose weight fast is a step by step process that begins with one cleaning out their kitchen by eliminating all junk food and sugary drinks. Once the junk food and sugary drinks have been removed, the next step is to purchase fruits and vegetables which will enable one to prepare healthy home cooked meals and healthy snacks therefore completing step three.

The last step advocates one to drink more water regularly as this will help to suppress one's appetite therefore eliminating chances of snacking and consuming junk food.



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jean_Claude_N_Matomisa

7 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat in Just 21 Days

Follow these 7 simple ways to lose Stomach fat now -

1) Reduce high calorie foods

Stomach fat is stored energy.

One of the necessary ways to lose Stomach fat is to burn more calories than you are taking in.

To do that, you need to get away from 'bad' processed foods that are high in fat and low in nutrition.

Examples of bad foods are soft drinks, fast food, snacks, beer and take away meals.

Instead look at unprocessed, fiber rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains.

Why fiber?

Fiber improves both our blood sugar levels and bowel functions.

2) Cut Out Bad Carbs

We need Carbohydrates, but it is one of the most confusing part of our diet - some are very good for you, and some are not.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, soft drinks, donuts, or a bowl of corn flakes are all source of carbo - but not all of them are good for you.

The best way to classify the difference between good and bad carb is - "good" unrefined and "bad" refined (processed) carbs.

White rice, white bread, pasta made from white flour, all processed foods(cakes, biscuits etc), sugary cereals,
drinks and sugar are all examples of refined carbs.

The one thing to remember - "refined" food are processed carbs where all the beneficial natural nutrients have been stripped away.

The bran, the fiber, and most of the healthy nutrients have been lost, leaving a bland, white, longer-lasting and shelf-stable product.

So, the best way to lose stomach fat - cut out the bad carbs, and eat more good carbs.

3) Decrease Alcohol

Alcohol has no nutritional values.

If you do not burn off the calories from the alcohol, it will be stored as body fat.

4) Burn Belly Fat

Not only is stomach fat unhealthy, it increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

One of the best ways to lose stomach fat is to exercise!

Exercises described in The Truth about Six Pack Abs will give you great ways to lose stomach fat - making it easier to lose weight around the waist.

5) Avoid Late Night Snacking

Late night snacking is one you should avoid.

Most people go straight to bed after a late night meal because they are tired.

This results in high blood sugar levels with no energy spent.

As a result, the excess sugar is quickly converted to fat and stored in the body!

6) Eat Power Foods to Lose Stomach Fat

You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Another way to lose stomach fat is to eat more lean protein, healthy fats and unrefined

Power Foods you should include in the diet are non salted almonds and other nuts, eggs, berries, extra Protein Whey powder, unflavored oatmeal, Fat free or low fat milk, spinach and other vegetables.

7) Quit Smoking

Not only does it increase your chance of cancer, it increase your abdominal weight gain and raises blood sugar level
by stimulating your stress response.

So quit smoking now.

There are many more ways to lose stomach fat, but if you follow the 7 guidelines above - you will lose stomach fat.

The key to a flatter stomach is dropping the body fat level with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover the Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat and the Best Stomach Exercises to Get Ripped Abs for Both Women and Men.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh

How to Lose a Beer Gut Fast? 7 Sure Fire Tips to Lose a Beer Gut!

Want to know how to lose a beer gut? Below are 7 easy ways to lose weight fast -

How to Lose a Beer Gut

1. NO joke ... but this is how to lose a BEER GUT - CUT DOWN on the beer and alcohol. Look at reducing the amount you drink each week and with the intention to CUTTING IT OUT. It's simply the best way to get rid of belly fat fast!

2. Cut down on the fizzy drinks, the diet drinks and energy drinks. Just contains too much empty calories. Again, like the beer, just cut it down.

3. Eat out less. Too much of the fast foods, junk foods and take outs will add the inches to your waistline. So if you want a health way to lose weight - cook your own meals. It's simply the best way.

4. Truly...this is how to lose a beer gut - Get more FIBER into your meals. The more fiber you have, the more nutrition you'll get ... and the longer you'll stay fuller.

5. When eating out - choose chicken. Chicken is a safe choice in many restaurants as long as two simple rules are followed. Do not choose the battered version and do not eat the entire serving. A serving of chicken should only be the size of a deck of cards. This can be added to the garden salad to make for a light and healthy salad while dining in a restaurant.

6. Having fun is one of the easy ways to lose weight fast. The biggest obstacle to exercise is excuse. When exercise is not fun, any excuse will do to skip it. If something is boring you just won't take the time to do it. You've got to get over this hurdle.

There's no one size fits all exercise that will work for everyone. Some people love walking, some folks want some more excitement from their activity. Figure out what you like to do. Once you know what exercise would be fun for you, you will make finding the time to do it easier.

7. Aim for consistency. Practice new healthy eating habits daily and eventually they'll feel like a natural part of your life. If you violate the pattern, you'll be motivated to fix it. Consistency helps you stay vigilant so you never let your guard down - Now this is how to lose a beer gut for good!

If you really want THE BEST WAY TO GET RID OF BELLY FAT ... Firstly, visit ==> http://losebodyfat101.info/opt.html And Download $97 of F-R-E-E Fat Slashing Reports And a 6 Day eCourse.

Secondly, with the F-R-E-E REPORTS, you WON'T starve, waste hours at the gym ever, or basically do anything that will take too much time away from you work or family.

Thirdly ... Just enjoy the F-R-E-E Reports And Discover HOW TO LOSE A BEER GUT FAST without changing much in your diet or exercise plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Ou

How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly For Women

While a man easily conceals his beer belly by wearing a loose shirt or T-shirt, it is not so easy for women. Belly fat makes sure it makes itself visible no matter how much you try to keep it away from public glare. Worst is if you're planning to spend an afternoon on the beach and are contemplating a two-piece as the outfit for the day.

Right here in this short section we have diet, exercise and general tips to put an end to this annoying and embarrassing problem. So, without wasting time any further read carefully and put it to practice.

Cardiovascular workouts - Cardiovascular workouts are highly recommended if you want a slim tummy. Cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking, skipping, jogging and biking increase fat burning in the body. You should allot 30 minutes, 3 times a week to cardio training. Try alternating between high and low intensity exercises.

Abdominal exercises - While it is imperative to work out the whole body if you want to lose belly fat, you must pay more attention to exercises that target the abdominal muscles. Sit-ups, crunches, leg-lifting, Pilates, V-ups and Jack Knife Sit ups are some core exercises to tone your tummy.

Opt for a healthy diet- Diet can go a long way to resolve this cosmetic issue. Therefore, start by reviewing your dietary choices. A belly fat diet is similar to a weight loss diet as the ultimate goal is to speed up metabolism, curb hunger and burn fat. You should decrease your intake of fat and sugar. Do not cut out sugar and fat completely as it will disturb normal body function. Consumption of carbohydrates is essential too, but complex carbohydrates and not simple ones. Double your intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetable are beneficial when it comes to getting rid of belly fat because they rich sources of fiber.

Increase your fluid intake - Water is one of the most important elements in the body. Its place is higher than vitamins and minerals. In the absence of water the body cannot flush out toxins and other waste material efficiently. These accumulate in fat cells increasing your troubles. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. You can also increase your intake of fresh juices and low-calorie herbal teas.

Learn to manage stress - Stress is indirectly linked to belly fat. When you are stressed or anxious, the body secrets a hormone called Cortisol in larger amounts. It decelerates metabolism and increases food cravings. Many take to binge eating when stressed as they find solace in food. Hence, you should learn to manage stress and prevent it from disturbing weight balance. There are different methods to de-stress. You can practice yoga, meditation, breathing exercise, music therapy, go for a walk, get a massage or indulge in a hobby.

Fat deposits sitting around the midsection are quite stubborn and hence getting rid of it is not going to be very easy. However, knowing how to lose belly fat will put you one step ahead of others and thereby increase the chances of success. Follow a healthy plan and get rid of a bulging belly in a couple of weeks.

How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!

The link below will teach you for FREE the blueprint to lose your first 20 pounds in 30 days, how to balance your female hormones so that you burn more calories and a few more weight loss tips for women which can give you your first results, so be sure to get them all for FREE here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8W48f4JffI/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Jameson

How to Get Rid of a Beer Gut Fast? 7 Fat Blasting Tips on How to Lose a Beer Gut Now!

Want to know how to get rid of a beer gut? Below are 7 easy ways on how to lose a beer gut for good!

1. Before setting a goal, consider the extent to which you can increase your physical activity in a sustainable way, and the kinds of dietary changes you can take with over the long haul. Your habits are critical to what you can achieve with weight control, and whether you can sustain it. This is the key to making it manageable. Truly this is a how to get rid of beer gut!

2. Fat loss is never easy - expect your 'highs and lows', and never look back. Nothing is ever perfect.

All it takes is - learn from your mistakes and move on. If you do, you will benefit more from it. It's a great feeling when you can overcome an obstacle, and the next time you face it - you'll know what to expect and conquer it. Life is always about experiencing it - and living it.

3. To get rid of a beer gut - you need to cut down your calories the right way.

New research indicates that if you want to lose your beer gut, whole grains will do it. Research has shown that people who went on a low calorie diet of whole-grain products only lost more body fat from the abdominal area that people who had no whole grains in the diet.

Although both groups showed similar weight loss, the group who ate whole grains has less body fat! So get the whole grains into your meals like oat-meals, whole grain cereals and brown rice.

4. Another way to lose the belly fat is to EAT LESS junk food, take outs, fast foods and other convenient foods. All these foods contains high calories and fat - and will add more inches to your beer hut! The best way to get rid of belly fat is to cook your own meals with foods that are FRESH and ORGANIC!

5. Get more fiber into your meals - eat 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of veggies DAILY (better yet, aim to fill half your plate with veggies). Fiber keeps you full longer.

6. If you really want to know how to get rid of a beer gut - CUT DOWN on BEER, OTHER KINDS OF ALCOHOL and THE FIZZY DRINKS. And when you're ready - cut it out completely. These drinks contains too much empty calories you don't need for a beer gut.

7. Now, this is how to get rid of a beer gut - Exercise more. If possible, walk to work, start jogging and as your fitness improves, get into HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING and TOTAL BODY resistance training. Not only is it a short workout - this combination will boost your metabolism, and get you in shape faster.

If you really want to know THE BEST WAY TO GET RID OF A BEER GUT ... Firstly, visit ==> http://losebodyfat101.info/opt.html And Download $97 of F-R-E-E Fat Slashing Reports And a 6 Day eCourse.

Secondly, with the F-R-E-E REPORTS, you WON'T starve, waste hours at the gym ever, or basically do anything that will take too much time away from you work or family.

Thirdly ... Just enjoy the F-R-E-E Reports And Discover HOW TO GET RID OF A BEER GUT FASTwithout changing much in your diet or exercise plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Oh

How to Get Rid of Beer Belly Fat

Are you swollen with pride when you look at your beer belly fat?

Do you want to learn how to get rid of your large belly fat?

Well scientists state that your beer drinking is not the direct cause of your large belly fat.
The findings of European researchers, is that beer consumption does not contribute to a great extent to our huge bellies.

So we can all continue drinking our Budweiser's and not increase the size of our belly fat?

Well not exactly.

Consuming beer is an indirect source of belly fat. Why you ask?

Here are the top 2 reasons:

*Recent studies have shown that beer drinkers work out very little. Most beer drinkers rarely get off the bar stool and exercise.

*Beer drinkers tend to get hungry while sitting at the bar or even at home. Beer nuts and chips are a staple of the beer drinker's diet.

In fact many times after a night of drinking at our favorite bar you might just find yourself visiting the local fast food joint and spending some quality time indulging your body with high fat content... burgers and fries.

So the beer belly we get is often times NOT a result of the beer but of the munching that goes along with the beer drinking.

Here are 3 quick and easy tips on how to get rid of your belly fat:

1. Eat More Protein And Less Carbs: Protein contains 4 calories per gram, Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram and Fat contains 9 calories per gram. So cut back on the bad fats and sugar based carbs. Such as donuts, white bread, pasta's etc...

2. Strength Training and Cardio are Critical: Building muscle is better than doing hours of cardio according to recent research. Why? Muscle burns more calories and well reshape your body.

3. Do Ab Exercises: Don't fall for the cleaver scam that exercising your stomach will get rid of your beer belly. It's just not true! You must remove the fat that is covering your 6 pack abs.

A new exercise device that I just discovered allows you to perform more than 9 health club type abdominal exercises and in a fraction of the time. It's called the Bully Xtreme.
It works the core muscles from many different positions, more than typical sit-ups, crunches and similar exercises. It packs on wallop in helping get rid of belly fat fast.

In conclusion: You don't have to give up the beer ... just the beer belly. You must decide on a complete plan to reduce if not eliminate the belly fat. Follow the tips in this article and visit our website for more information on how to get rid of your beer belly fat.

Robert DeAngelo knows how to build muscle using isometric exercise. After he discovered how to easily build muscle fast. He now offers information, articles, news, tools and valuable resources on building muscles, visit this site: http://www.build-muscle-guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Deangelo

Learn How to Get Rid of Beer Belly Bloat Fast and Easy

I can probably show you how to get rid of beer belly bloat fast and easy. But all in all you need to follow some of the tips and instructions and commit to yourself before you qualify to go to the next step. "Hold it"! Take your time. You can start by following the easy to understand tips and instructions below.

Losing fat is not easy let alone losing a beer belly, you must expect high's and lows, but regardless of your situation never stray off course. The course is to achieve your goal (losing that ugly beer belly bloat), to top this up you can start knowing and acknowledging your ultimate goal. Then break it down into a small manageable practical easy to follow bits. Lest say you would like to have a ripped six pack ab in a matter of three weeks, sound to big and crazy, but well its possible and very achievable.

By take this big goal and shredding it down into manageable bits starting with lets say cutting down on your beer consumption, by lessening your beer intake overtime. Every time you hit the pub tri reduce your intake by an interval of minus one, make it progressive. The whole concept surrounding this formulae given is not only to help you lose beer belly fat but also help you get through it without making yourself deprived.

Cutting back on your sugar, salt and calorie intake is advisable too, beer has a lot of calories and sugars and adding more into your body doesn't do you any justice, Calories and sugars when unused accumulate on the abdominal tissues after a prolonged period of time resulting in beer bloats.

To get rid of beer belly bloat its advisable that you commit yourself to regular and routine exercise. If possible try starting out with a few cardio work out sessions and some seat ups. This will you help kick start yourself into the exercise world, begin with small reps as you progress, this is important because when you make exercise a routine you not only increase your chances of losing beer belly bloat fast but you also have a shot of living a healthier disease free life style and plus feel good. Remember make to make it a smooth transition don't make it feel like you are depriving yourself.

Still on the subject of exercise, its apparently clear that most people in possession of Beer belly bloats live sedentary kind of lifestyles. Once in a while take a jog, during the weekend instead of going out to drink join a fitness club, walk to work if possible, and instead of using the Elevator, take the stairs.

Simple actions such as these tip the scales to your favor, increasing your chances of losing beer belly fat faster with more effect and better results

Not had enough. Grab your FREE bonus here==>: Learn more ways on how you can get rid of beer belly fast and easy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Hennry

Fat Beer Belly? 3 Tips to Lose Your Beer Belly in 14 - 30 Days

What should you do if you are strapped with a fat beer belly? For one thing-stop drinking beer!

Beer has all sorts of negative health effects--one of them being it makes you overweight. If you want to drop flab-and are SERIOUS about it--I would strongly recommend you cut it out.

Here are 3 other guidelines to help you become super lean NOW:

#1) Workout the WHOLE body

Doing 100's of crunches and situps will NOT do you any good-unless you are morbidly obese. If this is the case almost anything you do will work at first.

But if you are in reasonable shape, you MUST exercise the entire body if you want to lose flab.


Because "whole body" workouts are the best for maximizing your metabolic and hormonal response--which in turn helps burn your fat beer belly?

Most people have no idea they must boost the metabolism or hormones to burn flab. But it's the SINGLE biggest determinate of your results.

#2) AVOID Grains

What??? I thought grains were healthy! They can be-when they are fermented or germinated. The problem is-under most circumstances-they are extremely dense and have almost ZERO water content.

For this reason they are very hard for your body to absorb... which forces it to expend a lot of energy when doing so. Saving energy during digestion is KEY for flab loss

#3) Cut out ALL processed foods

This probably goes without saying, but there's no reason to EVER consume processed foods. Yes, that includes energy bars and most vitamin supplements usually considered "health food".

These will HURT your progress

Most energy bars and supplements are very difficult for your body to digest-getting your nutrition through "whole foods" is the way to go. if you have a fat beer belly than taking these 3 steps will help you see results FAST.

Are you sick of diets and exercises that don't work? Stop wasting time on bad advice--discover how to have great looking abs NOW by visiting [http://www.GetRidofAbsFatNow.info].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Walter_Madison

Beer Belly Fat Loss Tips

Are you a beer drinker? Or better yet, do you drink a lot of beers and have noticed your belly begin to bulge? It happens to the best of us, but there are some things you can do to rid yourself of the ugly beer belly you have earned, er gained due to your drinking.

First of all you have to know that spot reducing is not going to help you. This just simply means you are not going to be able to focus only on your gut to make it go away. Sit-ups, crunches, ab rollers, ab burners, or ab rockers are not going to make the beer belly go away. They could make your core stronger but the fat will still be there and you wont be able to see your strong abs. And anyway, you probably already have decent abs, we just have to get rid of the visceral fat first.

To effectively reduce your bodies fat to get rid of that beer belly you will need to use a combination of diet, strength training, and cardio exercises.

If you can, you will have to reduce the amount of drinks you take in the day. Each beer has well over 120 calories and limiting yourself will ultimately reduce the daily intake of calories. Weight loss comes from consuming less calories than you burn, so keep that in mind. In order to lose the beer belly, your daily diet needs to be a calorie deficit.

The good news is that since belly fat is visceral fat, it is one of the first things to go when you start losing fat. The most effective way to lose the fat is to add muscle. When you add more muscle mass to your body, your body will naturally burn more calories in the day. So add in some strength training to your exercise routine and you will really begin to see your stomach start to shrink.

Cardio training will also get your heart rate moving and you will burn more fat during your workout sessions. The only thing is, you need to combine weight training with cardio training to get the best most optimized results. Without weight training your metabolism will not speed up. And without cardio, you may not burn as much fat during your workouts. I usually do cardio first to warm up for my weight lifting.

A beer gut is nothing to be ashamed of but of course members of the opposite sex may think otherwise. Not only that but it is extremely hazardous to your health. Take the advice here and get rid of that beer belly.

If you would like to read more articles from Wade, check out his new Panasonic Cordless Drill review website. Visit http://panasoniccordlessdrill.org

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wade_Davis

Lose Beer Belly - How to Get Rid of a Beer Belly Naturally And Quickly

Beer belly is one the most unwanted fat deposit in our society; this type of fat is easy to acquire and hard to get rid of, mainly because of our tendencies to consume alcohol beverages and conduct an unhealthy lifestyle.

Thus, it should be considered as an early warming sign that your physical fitness level is on the decline and expect health hazards and problems. For that, here are some natural ways and useful tips to help you lose the beer belly effectively and quickly:

Cut down your alcohol consumption

It's called beer belly for a reason. Beer and other alcohol beverages are highly caloric; 1 gram of beer contains more than 6 calories, as long you don't burn off this caloric excess immediately, it will get stored as fat on your body.

Alcohol beverages are also highly glycemic, meaning that they cause unexplainable hunger pangs and an increase in appetite, thus you become more likely to consume more calories than your body really needs.

In addition, alcohol causes other serious health problems such as heart attacks and liver problems. Beer can be sometimes the glue that holds social groups together; it's why you may get some resistance from your entourage when you try to make some positive changes.

For that you don't need to give up drinking beer altogether, but you should cut down drastically its consumption. Don't give control to your ego or peer pressure; you know what's best for you.

Abdominal strengthening exercise

Strengthening you abdominal muscles is an excellent choice, but it won't remove beer belly like magic; the magic pill that solves all health problems instantly is an urban myth, it does not exist! As a result, instead of just focusing on strengthening your abdominal muscles, you should work also on your shoulders, back and arms, thus allowing you to create a well-formed "V" figure.

Building strong mass muscles increases also calorie expenditure, thus you lose more weight in less time.

Start a cardiovascular training program

By just cutting down on your beer consumption, you will notice massive changes in a short period of time. But if you want to enjoy a flat stomach and get into a better shape, then you should start some kind of cardiovascular exercise instantly.

In my opinion, running is the best exercise ever! It has been proven over and over to be effective at burning fat quickly, especially the stubborn kind such as belly fat.

Pay Close Attention To This:

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about Weight loss or the belly fat. Just Click http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and grab your F-R-E-E copy of "Weight Loss By Running" 30 pages special report. This is a limited offer so hurry up!

Inside this FREE report you will discover the insider secrets of running for weight loss, and learn the simple and easy system for losing up to 10 pounds or more in less than 3 weeks! Join the hundreds we have already helped and visit us now.

From David Dack - Running Author And Enthusiast

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Dack

How to Lose the Dreaded Beer Belly Fat

Do you desire to know how to lose dreaded beer belly fat quickly?

There are a lot of calories in beer and alcoholic drinks in normal and you do not need to drink extremely considerably of it to start out putting on excess fat. Your body converts the too much energy inside the alcohol you consume into fats and stores it in easy locations around your shape. One with the easiest places to shop weight inside your system is all-around your stomach and which is where a great deal of the excess fat goes when you drink significant volumes of beer. So how do you get purge of abdomen excess fat quickly?

Beer Stomach Fat just isn't really attractive

If you've managed to improve the sizing of one's stomach by consuming too very much alcohol then you definitely may possibly detect that you've become fewer attractive. Rolls of excess fat close to your middle are frequently described as 'love handles' but that's only to be sort I'm afraid.

Have you been invited to a wedding party or a party? Maybe you have a job interview coming up. You may want to get rid of that belly weight quick for numerous factors. I possess a couple of suggestions to suit your needs beneath but initial acquire a take a look at an article about a food that may in fact allow you to to burn a lot more extra fat without having reducing the energy that you just consume: Foods that help you to get rid of fat

Sacrificing fat speedily and safely

The to begin with issue you should do is stop drinking so considerably calorie-laden alcohol. This can lessen your calorie consumption but you need to be careful to not minimize your energy as well a lot. Anybody can lose fat quickly by starving themselves but this can seriously damage your health mainly because your entire body begins to melt off lean muscle as nicely as your shops of fat.

Conventional wisdom tells us that slow excess fat loss of all-around one to a couple of extra pounds a week is often a wholesome target when attained through great nutrition and workout. Sluggish pounds reduction programs like this are additional likely to melt off away from fat not muscle and offer you a good opportunity of maintaining the fat incorrect permanently but it's no great should you possess a wedding to visit in a couple of weeks time.

Slim down quickly without the need of starving yourself

Unhealthy calories are crucial in any fat loss strategy nonetheless it is not the only point that matters. It's legitimate that if you ever shed a lot more calories from fat than you use up then your system starts to convert saved fat into power to produce up for the shortfall. However you ought to not lessen your calorie intake too very much or you'll start out to get rid of muscle as nicely as excess fat.

Activity is essential simply because the much more you do the much more energy you will lose. Exercising alone is not proceeding to generate you fit into your wedding outfit speedily nonetheless. So how can you lose away additional energy and drop your beer stomach weight rapidly with out lowering your unhealthy calories to risky amounts? The strategy would be to lessen your calorie consumption a small, exercising frequently and persuade your physique to shed as several calories from fat as feasible.

Strategy your physique into burning up calories from fat

You will find a single or two methods that you simply can use to technique your system into burning up a lot more energy and allow you to get rid of fat quicker. The 1st technique that I would like to notify you about would be to exchange some in the fats inside your diet plan with lean protein. Research have proven that folks that do this are capable to melt away weight less complicated even when they sustain their calorie intake. Choosing numerous tiny foods instead of fewer huge foods could also help your entire body to burn the calories that you consume and so allow it to be less difficult for you to lose your stomach weight.

A fairly new approach puts you on a eating habits exactly where you really change the types of unhealthy calories that you just take in on the day-to-day schedule. In case you take in the same sorts of foods all of the time then your entire body is in a position to adjust your metabolic charge to keep your excess weight continual. This signifies that in the event you minimize the amount of fat laden calories that take in in an attempt to reduce pounds then your entire body just compensates by not burning up so a lot of.

Should you alter the kind of calories from fat that you just consume every day then it is possible to in fact trick your entire body into maintaining your metabolic charge up and burn fat laden calories quickly. If you ever decrease the quantity of energy you take in on the exact same time then you will slim down. I feel that this might be the ideal way how to lose beer stomach weight quick.

Review top quick weight loss programs that work and end belly fat embarrassment for good. Visit http://quickweight-loss.com and discover which quick weight loss programs reviews actually work!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brendan_O_Hewitt

How to Lose Beer Belly Fat - 3 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Fat Fast

Typically many men and some women will develop a fat beer belly during their late twenties to early thirties. You may suffer from the condition due to a lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption or by literally overeating. The latest research tells us now that you can indeed take a few simple steps to lose beer belly fat fast.

A sufferer of this condition wanting to lose beer belly fat may endure water retention, constipation and a sheer lack of self confidence. And it may also cause havoc with a intimate relationship. Here are the 3 steps to lose beer belly fat:

Step One

Forget about doing crunches or buying ab equipment, it will not work. To quickly get rid of fat you need to remove fat from your entire body not just your beer belly. Get active and move in any which way you can. The best and most effective method to burn fat is to use free weights or hand weights. Tins of food will do as long they weigh something. And in your case this is better than nothing at all. Don't worry too much cardio because the quicker you build muscle the more calories and fat you will burn naturally.

Step Two

What are you putting in your mouth? Pay particular attention to this one. Nutrition is the first place to start to get rid of beer belly fat fast. Essentially you need to cut down on the carbs and processed fats. Such as margarine and vegetable oils. Instead opt for natural sources of fats from meats, pure butter and olive oils. The secret to losing even more fat is to rotate the amount of food you eat at each meal. This is very important because it will also speed up your metabolism and in turn burn more fat than eating several small meals throughout the day. By doing this you can lose up to 9 pounds during the period of 10-11 days. Don't forget to move and exercise as this will really nail it home

Step Three

Get yourself a meal generator to organize your meals and calculate the rotational basis of calories. This is vital to the entire 3 step method. The meal generator will give you a mixed variety of foods based on your personal requirements. It will save you time and a whole heap of money. You get the most remarkable results by using the meal generator for 11 days then breaking for 3 days to eat what you ever you desire. Then you simply start again to target another 9 pounds. In less than a month you could quite possibly lose around 18 pounds. To access the complete meal generator and program click the following link below.

Burn Belly Fat [http://www.howtobecomeafitnessmodel.com/]

Forget about boring ab crunches

These Fitness techniques work 100%


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janette_Jones

Weight Loss Tip: How To Lose Beer Belly Fat Fast

Do you want to know how to lose beer belly fat fast?

There are a lot of calories in beer and alcoholic drinks in general and you don't have to drink very much of it to start putting on weight. Your body converts the excess calories in the alcohol you drink into fat and stores it in convenient places around your body. One of the easiest places to store fat in your body is around your stomach and that's where a lot of the fat goes when you drink large volumes of beer. So how do you get rid of stomach fat fast?

Beer Belly Fat isn't very attractive

If you've managed to increase the size of your stomach by drinking too much alcohol then you might notice that you've become less attractive. Rolls of fat around your middle are often described as 'love handles' but that's only to be kind I'm afraid.

Have you been invited to a wedding or a party? Perhaps you have a job interview coming up. You might want to lose that belly fat fast for a number of reasons. I have a few tips for you below but first take a look at an article about a food that can actually help you to burn more fat without reducing the calories that you eat: Foods that help you to lose weight

Losing weight quickly and safely

The first thing you must do is stop drinking so much calorie-laden alcohol. This will reduce your calorie intake but you must be careful not to reduce your calories too much. Anyone can lose weight quickly by starving themselves but this can seriously damage your health because your body starts to burn lean muscle as well as your stores of fat.

Conventional wisdom tells us that slow weight loss of around 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy target when achieved through good nutrition and exercise. Slow weight loss programs like this are more likely to burn off fat not muscle and give you a good chance of keeping the weight off permanently but it's no good if you have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks time.

Lose weight quickly without starving yourself

Calories are important in any weight loss plan but it isn't the only thing that matters. It is true that if you burn more calories than you consume then your body starts to convert stored fat into energy to make up for the shortfall. However you should not reduce your calorie intake too much or you'll start to lose muscle as well as fat.

Exercise is important because the more you do the more calories you'll burn. Exercise alone isn't going to make you fit into your wedding outfit quickly however. So how can you burn off more calories and lose your beer belly fat quickly without reducing your calories to dangerous levels? The trick is to reduce your calorie intake a little, exercise regularly and persuade your body to burn as many calories as possible.

Trick your body into burning calories

There are one or two techniques that you can use to trick your body into burning more calories and enable you to lose weight faster. The first technique that I want to tell you about is to replace some of the fat in your diet with lean protein. Studies have shown that people that do this are able to burn fat easier even when they maintain their calorie intake. Eating many small meals rather than fewer large meals can also help your body to burn the calories that you eat and so make it easier for you to lose your stomach fat.

A relatively new technique puts you on a diet where you actually change the types of calories that you eat on a daily basis. If you eat the same kinds of foods all the time then your body is able to adjust your metabolic rate to keep your weight constant. This means that if you reduce the amount of calories that eat in an attempt to lose weight then your body just compensates by not burning so many.

If you change the type of calories that you eat daily then you can actually trick your body into keeping your metabolic rate up and burn calories fast. If you reduce the number of calories you eat at the same time then you'll lose weight. I think that this could be the best way how to lose beer belly fat fast.

New diet that turns conventional wisdom on it's head and tricks your body into losing 9 pounds every 11 days Gets Rid Of Belly Fat Fast Read about my lifetime struggle to stay lean, fit and healthy at http://healthfitness.this-info.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Gee

Are Fat Burners the Fastest Way to Lose Weight?

A lot of people seem to believe that the fastest way to lose weight really is to just start popping a fat burning pill and you'll immediately start to lose weight. Is this really true? Are these fat burning products just a slick marketing campaign? Let's talk about it and see what we can find out!

The Purpose of Fat Burners

Too many people are confused about what supplements are and what they're supposed to be used for. By it's very name, a supplement is something that is supposed to be used to help make up for other deficiencies in something, or in other words to make it more whole.

So if a supplement is meant to fill in the gaps of an already good diet and exercise plan, how much is it really going to help if you aren't exercising or eating good? If you said, "Not much" you'd be right! You have to have the foundation already in place for a supplement to really help.

With that being said, can supplements actually help? Of course they can! You just need to be aware that different people react differently to the many fat burning supplements that are out there.

Ingredients in Fat Burners

There are a lot of different fat burning supplements on the market. Most of these fat burners have an ingredient or two that increases your heart rate in an effort to increase your metabolism. You should be aware of this before taking any fat burners and ask your doctor if that will be OK for you..

In fact, many of these supplements will have a warning label on them that if you are sensitive to caffeine (a common ingredient to fat burners) then you should not use it. Keep this in mind when you are looking at different fat burners. Read over the warning labels and ingredients and make sure that it is something your body can handle. Don't put your health at risk to use a supplement!

Fat Burners - the Fastest Way to Lose Weight?

So in the end, is using a fat burner the safest and fastest way to lose weight? It depends on the person! Some people have great results with these products. In the end you'll have to do some testing to see how your body reacts to the supplement you try.

But always keep in mind that to get the most out of any supplement, you have to be doing everything else well. You need to be eating right, getting your exercise and rest, and everything else well before you can expect a supplement to help you.

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight [http://fastestwaytoloseweightonline.com]? Visit Aaron Wilding's site to find out more about how to lose weight fast [http://fastestwaytoloseweightonline.com/index.php/losing-weight-tips/three-tips-on-how-to-lose-weight-fast/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Wilding