2 Powerful Items Already In Your Kitchen To Burn Fat And Lose Weight Fast

Through out my 8 years of research and experimenting, I've discovered 2 powerful items already in your kitchen to burn fat and lose weight fast that actually has a tremendous effect on whether you're going to lose weight or not.

So, what are these 2 powerful items? Are you sitting down? Drum roll please.....water & fiber! That's right. These two items are so powerful if you are trying to burn fat and lose weight, that they can make or break your entire weight loss endeavors!

Sure, the whole world from the beginning all the way until now has heard how important water is for your health. You want to read something strange? Even though everyone knows how important water is, most people still don't drink enough of it?! Water is extremely important to your health and weight loss goals. It aides in fat burning and sculpting that lean muscular body everyone wants. Water can do so many tricks when it comes to you wanting to lose weight, such as keeping you from snacking and eating unhealthy. How? Well because sometimes, and actually most of the time, when you may be feeling hunger through out the day, even if you have been eating frequently, you are actually dehydrated. That previous point pretty much justifies that you need water in your body even more than food. After all, our bodies are made up of more than 60% water.

Ready for a horror story? If you are dehydrated, your body is going to punish you, and punish you badly! The biggest punishment in regards to losing weight is that dehydration will stop burning body fat for energy. If this happens, your weight loss efforts just pretty much went down in the toilet! So, pick up some refreshing ice cold water and get to chugging! Add some lemon or lime to your water if you want to, for extra flavor. Doing so is also an extra health benefit as it is good for your liver.

Here is a little secret for you. Well, it's not that much of a secret since I've mentioned it a few times already through some other articles and my blog. But, the little secret is to drink ice cold water, not just regular water from the faucet, or even water in the fridge. Make sure it is really ice cold. Drinking ice cold water causes a thermogenic effect. When you drink ice cold water, your body will warm the water to body temperature. When this is happening, your body is burning one calorie for every ounce of ice cold water you are drinking! You can burn 164 calories just by drinking a gallon of ice cold water a day!

Can I have another drum roll please? The other powerful item is fiber. Fiber is your weight loss best friend. Why? Because fiber will slow down your digestion, make you feel fuller, burn fat, and reduce cravings! With all of those benefits, you might want to go pass friendship and straight to marriage!

Excellent sources of fiber are fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grain bread (make sure it says whole grain), whole grain cereals (make sure they are not high in sugar), and oatmeal. Those foods are also very high in other important nutrients your body needs for you to effectively lose weight. By the way, foods rich in fiber are highly craved by your body. Respect your body and give it what it wants! Fiber also through several studies have been shown to prevent several common diseases such as certain cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases. Eat up people!

So, if you want maximum results, to burn fat, lose weight, and get that lean muscular body you've been dreaming of, well stop dreaming firstly, and start drinking a lot more ice cold water, and get more fiber in your diet. Combine proper weight training into the mix along with eating several small healthy meals daily, and your body will not only thank you by giving you that special "healthy feeling", but it will thank you with great health, longevity and the look you've been wanting so long.

Are you you ready to "lose weight" now? To get started, or to improve your current weight loss efforts, I recommend for you to take a look at this powerful fat burning program. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles and his site. If you're looking for more free valuable tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, then be sure to visit Conquer Weight Loss , and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes