4 Steps To a Flatter Stomach

For a large portion of the community out there, the notion of achieving a sculpted midsection is an extremely daunting task.

Fear not however. The process is far from impossible. All it takes is the drive and determination to reach that end goal.

Follow the four sections listed below, and you will no doubt be well on your way to fantastic looking abs.

First and Foremost: The Diet:

The word 'diet' is a terrifying term for most out there, but you must understand that the only way to bring the musculature into view is to burn away the fat that is currently hiding it. Focus points on your diet should include cutting down, if not eliminating completely, on items such as fast foods, processed sugars, sodas, etc.

Meals should be divided out amongst the day into 5 or 6 smaller meals. Lean proteins should replace the fattier cuts of meat, and complex carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, whole wheat pasta, etc.) should be favored over their processed counterparts. To satisfy the cravings for sweets, look towards the natural sugars that various fruit have to offer.

These simple dietary changes, coupled with the desire to reach your goal, whatever it may be, will have the most prevalent impact on overall fat loss.

Second: Get Out and Get Moving!:

This could be (lightly) taken as fact, but I am fairly certain that we all hate the treadmill for one particular reason or another. So, if you find that you cannot stand staring at the wall, the mirror, the person in front of you, etc. for 40 minutes at a time, it's probably time to hit the great outdoors.

There is no better way to burn the belly fat to expose those abs than to get out and get moving. Take a brisk walk, go for a jog, play basketball or even hit the pool. As long as your activity of choice keeps your heart rate up for an extended time, you'll be benefiting from the cardiovascular workout in more ways than one

Third: The Spot Toning Myth:

I make this last point for simple reason alone: No matter how many crunches or sit-ups you do, it is not going to give you the definition in the abdominal muscles that you are after.

Abdominal exercises may be helpful for your stomach muscles, but they will do little overall when it comes to burning belly fat.

I wouldn't avoid crunches and sit-ups altogether - I simply wouldn't rely on these exercises as the sole method in developing a toned midsection.

Lastly: Set a Goal and Keep It!:

For most people, this is ultimately the single biggest point of failure. This lifestyle change cannot and will not happen overnight. You cannot get discouraged here. It takes an average of 3 weeks to break the body of an unhealthy habit. If you stick with your personal program, and can overcome the 3 week barrier, just imagine the results 3 months down the road. The desire to achieve and to better one's self should be all of the driving force you need to succeed.

For additional tips and information on toning your midsection, visit us here.

Tyson Paradis


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyson_Paradis