3 Exercises to Help You Effectively Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the most dangerous fat there is. I'm not talking about the belly fat that lies on top of your stomach muscles. What I'm talking about is the subcataneous fat that lies around the organs in your abdominal area. This fat is much harder to get rid of. If you want to get fit and stay healthy, then this is the fat you need to target. The best part is that you will also target that fat on top of your belly too.

You will want to combine these exercises. By combining these exercises, you will reduce your overall body fat too, strengthen your core, reduce the size of your waistline and feel healthier.

1. Cardio

There is no way to target just your belly fat. In order to get rid of it, you must target overall body fat. Long slow boring cardio won't work. Although exercise will make you feel better and burn calories, it won't help you burn fat the way you need to in order to get rid of your belly fat.

The key here is to add intensity. Shorter more intense workouts will help you burn this fat. Tabata, which is a four minute exercise routine, is one of the fastest ways to help you burn fat. If you are just getting started, Tabata probably isn't for you. That doesn't mean you don't have a way to add intensity.

If you walk, which is really good for you especially if you suffer from depression, consider adding intense intervals. Throw in a few sprints to help you. You only need about five 30 second sprints during a 30 minute walk to help change the way your body burns fat. Again, this is where intervals will help you.

When exercising you want to make sure you don't get to the point of being completely out of breath. This pushes you into the anaerobic zone, and your body is no longer burning fat. Make sure you are out of breath but just enough so you have to breathe deeply.

2. Strength Training

A good abdominal workout will help you reduce the overall size of your waist. It will also help you burn fat by increasing some of your muscle. A pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat.

If you want to get the most effective workouts available, consider a total body weight training program that builds all your muscles and strengthens your core too. Martial arts type exercises are also another way of building strong core. These exercises rely on stability and help you build strength and endurance.

3. Yoga and stretching

The most important reason for doing a yoga or stretching routine is that it helps you reduce stress. One of the leading contributors to belly fat is a high level of cortisol. If you have a high level of cortisol, a stress hormone, it makes it very easy to pack on stomach fat.

Exercise, particularly anything that makes you relax, will help you reduce cortisol and increase the number of feel good hormones, endorphins. When you shift these hormones, it makes it easier to burn the fat and keep it off.

It is important to make sure that you incorporate all three types of exercise in your routine so you get a balanced workout. You will not only look better, you will feel better. It takes a lot less exercise than you think. The proper routine can give you a great workout, meet your goals and only require 30 minutes or less per day.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jinger_Jarrett