Get Fit and Build Muscle With Super Star Muscle Building Workouts

Action star Jason Statham is lean and cut. His muscles literally pop off the screen when he does a fight scene. You can't have his genetics but you can with some dedication and proper training, develop the strength and physique of an action star.

If you are currently working out regularly, you can adopt a diet and training program that can get you there. On the other hand, if you have kids, are busy with work and social responsibilities, they take time away from working out. It's so easy to discontinue your work outs or become sporadic in your execution.

I will show you how you can eventually get the Stratham physique with a bit of creative thinking and planning. With proper application, you'll fit it all together.

Get it done in less than an hour
Coaches and fitness trainers say that the best workout for your body is one that takes care of your strength training and metabolic activity within 45 minutes. Using Jason Stratham's routine, here are some great tips to help you started.

Rowing machine
If you are busy in the mornings, you can start your day with an at-home rowing machine. Jason is a maniac with this tried and true fat burner. It works your abs, legs and shoulders. You can sit in front of the Television in the evenings to see what's happening in the world. Thirty minutes of rowing will reduce your fat level and strengthen your body.

Squat on your lunch
If you love to take an afternoon walk, try this one for your next lunch break. Do 5 sets of 10 reps of squats and then go for a nice 10 minute walk. You'll be working your big muscles, burning fat and still have time to eat a healthy lunch. Jason Stratham uses body squats to build stamina and strength.

Get Active with Your Kids
Think that you don't have time to work out because you have kids? Well, get the kids involved; workout together. Go swimming together, or biking in the park. This way you and your kids are getting some time to work out.

Jump rope and swing on the monkey bars
Get out to the park with your kids and while they are playing, ride your bike, bring a jump rope or take to the monkey bars to do some pull ups. Do this regularly to gain strength and resistance. You'll be able to challenge your time, your reps and your sets with each visit.

Purchase Quality Home Gym Equipment
Forget the ab roller and other late night fad equipment. Your basic equipment can be four sets of dumbbells, a workout mat, an exercise ball, and a jump rope. This setup can get you going with a 30 minute workout every day. the majority of Stratham's workout relies on bodyweight strength training.

Once you get moving and motivated, upgrade to a quality home gym with safety features. In the end it will save you money and time. This way you can roll out of bed and straight to the gym. Very soon you'll find that your commitment grows along with your muscles.

Get the ripped action superstar body.You can lose the fat and gain your strength and endurance if you follow these simple rules. Get my free manual on trimming the fat and feeling great and getting fit. Go to => [http://www.fatburningworkoutafter40.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Francis