Okay, so you want to get a flat stomach. What is the ideal six pack exercise you ask?
In order to be able to get a flat stomach (not to mention a 6 pack), you need to be doing both cardio and abdominal training exercise.
Endless crunches only work on your upper abs, which is not enough to achieve great abs. The following a are some six pack exercise that target the midriff, including the obliques and transverse abdominis, ensuring a slim stomach.
The Dolphin pull - Works abs, shoulders, arms, back, butt
Start in plank position with your hand clasped and heels raised. Bend the right knee and pull left leg into chest as you lift hips toward ceiling. Return to starting position; repeat on left side for one rep. Do 10 reps.
Oblique Touch - Works abs
Lie down with flat back with your legs and arms wide-stretched, forming an "X". Lift the upper back off the floor, cross your right leg over left. Pull the legs straight up by using your abdominal strength. Try to reach your arms, palms together, past left knee. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 15 reps.
Chair lift - Works abs, butt, hamstrings
Lie with flat back and rest your feet on a chair, keep the legs straight. Squeeze butt and lift hips off floor as high as you can, bringing the arms straight up over chest, palms in. Return to starting position; repeat. Do 15 reps.
How often do I need to do them?
Do two sets of the indicated reps three to four times a week. Combine them with calorie-burning cardio and we promise you'll never have to suck it in again!
Abdominal exercises shouldn't be a pain in the neck (literally). To avoid the ache, place the tip of your tongue firmly on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth. When you anchor your tongue, it brings your head and neck into better alignment and prevents your neck from overworking.
Did you know that more than 90% of men and women are training their abs incorrectly? For a full list of all the effective six pack tips check out Six Pack In A Month by clicking HERE.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_Holmes