3 Top "Get a Flat Stomach" Exercises You Must Do

If you are tired of your belly, here are some flat stomach exercises that you must do. Oh, before you get on all excited about what kind of latest abs exercise I will reveal to you, I am sorry but to disappoint you that the flat stomach exercises I am talking about here has nothing to do with crunches and sit-ups.

Many people has a miss conception that if they want to have abs like Brad Pitt they have to do 1000 crunches and sit-ups in a day. Some also believe that in order to get a real sexy waistline, you need to gain excess to some secret supplement or some secret beauty treatment that only the rich can afford. The good news for you is that the top secret to get a flat stomach is super cheap and on some occasions free!

Lets have a look at some of the top flat stomach exercises you can do.

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 1

Long distance running is one of the best ways to burn body fat. This is one of the best methods to utilize the fats that are stored in the fat cells, which lay under your skin. If you can burn loads of calories that are derived from the fat cells, you can reduce the size of your belly. In a session of long distance slow running, you need to run about 30 to 45 minutes. The intensity used here is moderate which is 70 to 80 percent of your max heart rate. You should not be out of breath during your runs. Some experts say that it is during this intensity that your body burns the highest percentage of body fat.

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 2

The second method is to do high intensity interval training. This method is for those that are more advanced. Trust me, when I say it is for those who are more advanced, I really mean it. One session last for 20 minutes and it is broken up into 4 intervals. One interval consist of a 2 minutes base pace run and 3 minutes of sprinting. For the base pace, use the speed that you can run for 30 minutes without stopping. For sprinting, use the speed that you can only last for 3 minutes! So, you would actually sprint for 3 minutes until you are really out of breath then slow down to pace base run to recover, after 2 minutes, repeat again! I can guarantee you that you will be burning load of calories even after your workout!

Top "Get A Flat Stomach" Exercise 3

The third method is a floor exercise that we call plank or bridge. This simple exercise engages the core muscles, which is called the TA. This muscle wraps around the spinal core and when contracts, it gets tighter pulling the stomach in. First, lay down flat face down on a mat. Put your elbows directly under your shoulder, shoulder width apart. Then, squeeze your abs and lift your entire body up so that your shoulders, abs and feet support your body. Hold for 1 minute and squeeze your abs tight. Do not hold your breath. Repeat for 3 sets.

There you go. Here are the 3 easy and free flat stomach exercises that you must do to get a sexy waistline. Getting a six-pack abs is not difficult; all you need is a proven step-by-step system that works!

Tony Leong is giving away his Tony Leong Weight Loss System for a limited time only. Download it at www.TonyLeongWeightLoss.Com [http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com] while it is still free.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tony_Leong