The Most Effective Fat Burn Workout Without Cardio

If you want to burn fat fast and looking for a fat burn workout, you have to realize first that it takes some time to lose fat. It's important to understand that in order to lose fat you have to burn it. That's why eating less or even starving won't help and even can be counterproductive. To burn fat the intensity level of your workout has to be high. Forget about sitting on a treadmill without even sweating. In fact, it's not necessary to do cardio for hours. By now we know that this type of training isn't really effective to burn fat.

Instead, try high-intensity interval workouts that last a maximum of 20 minutes. That's right, you don't have to train longer as your body will keep on burning fat for 24 hours (!) after the workout. It doesn't really matter what kind of exercises you do as long as they keep your pulse high enough. If you are between 25-30 years old, a pulse of 150 is the goal. Try to maintain this pulse for 30 seconds, then pause for 15 seconds and repeat your exercise.

Exercises that you can use for your fat burn workout are Pike Jump Squats, Core Strength Exercises, Jump Push Ups, Oblique Twists, Lunges and similar ones. However, you have to choose the exercises that you like. Otherwise you simply will quit some days later.

Remember to do the exercises fast enough to get your blood pumping. It's all about the high intensity. Do this workout every other day and your fat will melt away extremely fast.

You can also combine your high intensity workout with weight training. This combination is extremely effective to burn fat. Using weight training (use 8-12 reps) you will build up even more muscles. And because muscles burn a lot of calories (even when you don't workout) at some point your body will burn fat to get the energy that is stored in it. However this will only happen if you don't eat too much. Always keep in mind that the amount of calories you take to your during the day shouldn't be higher than the amount of calories you burn. A simple rule that works for a lot of people is the "No Carbohydrates/Fat after 8 p.m.".

If you need a concrete workout plan, I seriously recommend The Truth About Abs. It's arguably the best fat burning program available today.

Personal trainer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Wells