In this article I want to give you a list of the best foods that helps you to burn fat and that also gives you a lot of energy. It's true there are a lot of sources where you can find free fat burning foods. But it annoys me that they do only give you a list of these healthy foods without a brief summary. I have to admit making a complete list of weight loss-friendly foods is next to near impossible. On the other hand there are fifty foods in this article divided into five categories and the additional information you can make smarter choices next time you cook a meal or if you go shopping.
Meat can make you fat or helps you to lose fat. Let me explain that. It's not a surprise but most farm companies are designed to make money. This means that cows, chickens or any animal almost can't move anymore. On the other hand they don't consume their natural foods anymore. Meat that do come from animals that are eating what they were suppose to eat has higher levels of omega 3's.
Most people believe that "organic" meat is their best bet while following a nutrition programme. What you must consume is real grass fed meat. Odds are high that meat labelled with "organic meat" isn't really organic in the real sense of the word. Most of these animals are still fattened up with grain and soy based food pallets.
The only problem is that it's very hard to find real grass fed meat. However once you have tried them you will never go back
Here are the 5 best fat burning meats
1) Grass fed fillet Mignon
2) Grassland veal
3) Bison burgers
4) Free range chicken
5) Free range turkeys
Eating fresh fish from time to time is amazing healthy for you. The diet of the Japanese consist of a lot of fish and their rates of Obesity and heart diseases is much lower then in our western society. Always eat your foods fresh and in an unprocessed state. So a tuna salad fulfilled with mayonnaise won't help you with fat loss. On the other hand fresh tuna is good for you.
Top 10 fresh fishes
1) Salmon
2) Tuna
3) Snapper
4) Swordfish
5) Halibut
6) Catfish
7) Mackerel
8) Herring
9) Trout
10) Whitefish
Most of your carb intake should come from vegetables and fruit. If you want to be healthy and lean a high intake of vegetables is essential. Vegetables are a great source of fiber but are spare in calories.
Top 10 super veggies
1) Broccoli
2) Asparagus
3) Eggplant
4) Sweet potatoes
5) Green beans
6) Potatoes (white or red)
7) Tomatoes
8) Cucumber
9) Spinach
10) Radishes
Whole fruit
It's impossible to give you a list of the best fat burning foods without talking about fruit. In fact it should be whole fruit instead. Most people think that the fruit juice is as effective as well but this is not true. If you separate the juice from the rest of the fruit you are throwing away a lot of rich fiber.
Top 10 delicious whole fruits
Most people do already know that a list of fat burning foods wouldn't be complete without talking about fruit. However most people think that fruit juices are as good ass eating the whole fruit. This is not true and please stay away from refined fruit juices from the grocery store. Drinking some fresh fruit juice from time to time is not that bad but the real nutrition power of fruit can only be found in the fruit as a whole. If you only drink the juice of the fruit you will not get the appetite satisfying effect of the fiber in the fruit.
A note of warning here there are people out there that want you to believe that you can lose weight with one food diets. It is impossible to maintain a proper balance of nutrition from one food or even one food group.
10 best fat burning fruits
1) Avocado
2) Grapefruit
3) Limon
4) Berries
5) Tangerines
6) Grapes
7) Papaya
8) Cherries
9) Apples
10) Oranges
Nuts are high in calories therefore you should carefully control and measure your quantities.
However nuts do contain a high amount of fiber and therefore have an appetite suppressing effect. They are also an excellent source of healthy fats and are a good source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
The are you nuts top 10
1) Almonds
2) Macadamia nuts (eat them at breakfast)
3) Pistachios
4) Walnuts
5) Cashews
6) Pecans
7) Hazelnuts
8) Brazil nuts
9) Chestnuts
10) Pistachios
Before I give you a list of the best berries for health and fat loss let's make one thing crystal clear. There is no magical berry that you can eat or drink that will make you lean and energetic. Shady marketers are selling an exotic brazil berry with the name Acai berry as the ultimate super food to weight-loss, longevity and ant-aging. They are healthy but companies who do sell them under these exceptional claims are scamming you and thousands of other people. Stay far away from so called Acai berry free trial offers. It's true the first month you receive one or two free bottles of Acai berry. However after that you credit card will be charged from forty up to ninety dollars a month. Keep in mind you can eat the most powerful foods in the world if you don't do high intense workouts at least three times per week you will not get lean and ripped. Most people don't want to hear it but fat loss is a lifestyle not a quick diet.
The top 10 super berries
1) Acai berry
2) Goji berries or Wolfberries
3) Incan berries
4) Blueberries
5) Strawberries
6) Cranberries
7) Gooseberry
8) Crowberry
9) Wineberry
10) Boysenberry
I hope you have enjoyed this free list of the best fat burning foods. But again if you want to become lean and ripped you will have to workout as well.
Burn fat faster with two free fat loss meal plans. They are not designed by some bookworms but by someone who walks the talk. It does not matter if you want to get rid of some fat or the latest five pounds of pure body fat choosing your foods wisely is a must.
It's true it at least seventy percent of your success comes from nutrition. Is it really worth to screw up an entire hour of hard work in the gym in less then fifteen minutes.
Get more free fat loss tips on my blog. It is jampacked with free reports, advice and articles from some of the greatest fat loss and fitness experts in the world. But be warned some of this stuff may shock you. It is the same stuff the diet and supplement industry doesn't want to give
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