You don't need to struggle if you're trying to lose belly fat. That's easy to say of course, but no matter if you've started and failed once or a hundred times to lose fat; the rules have never really changed. This article will outline how to create a simple meal plan that has your body burning fat like a furnace burns coal.
Most people fail at diets because the limited choice of foods creates avoid in their life. Oh... anyone can follow the latest lemonade or maple diet for a few days but what good is that?
What you need is a fat burning meal plan that consists of nutrient packed natural foods that are satisfying while at the same time requiring high energy to digest and process these foods.
You need to base your meals around high fat burning foods, also known as high "thermic effect foods" (TEF). These are foods that require lots of energy in the form of calories to actually breakdown and digest. Foods with the highest TEF are mainly lean proteins like:
- Lean red meat
- Chicken breast
- Turkey breast
- Eggs
- Seafood
These foods above require your body to burn 30% of the calories contained just to digest and process!
So a simple meal plan would be:
Pick any of these lean proteins as a main dish. On the side add generous portions of green vegetables like green beans, spinach, brussel sprouts and broccoli. You can also add more good carbs like, brown rice, sweet potatoes and or oats.
This SIMPLE meal plan will keep blood sugar under control...right in the fat burning range; and that means you will not feel hungry as well... Eating like this will turn your body into a fat burning machine and you won't even need to count calories.
This is a very basic lesson with a few very effective tips, if you have a minute and want to lose belly fat, watch the video below.
Alyssa Collins RN and Certified trainer, "You want to lose weight without wasting your time" so if you're not sure where to start, watch this step by step free video that walks you through how to: lose 10 pounds in 7 days.
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