Are you swollen with pride when you look at your beer belly fat?
Do you want to learn how to get rid of your large belly fat?
Well scientists state that your beer drinking is not the direct cause of your large belly fat.
The findings of European researchers, is that beer consumption does not contribute to a great extent to our huge bellies.
So we can all continue drinking our Budweiser's and not increase the size of our belly fat?
Well not exactly.
Consuming beer is an indirect source of belly fat. Why you ask?
Here are the top 2 reasons:
*Recent studies have shown that beer drinkers work out very little. Most beer drinkers rarely get off the bar stool and exercise.
*Beer drinkers tend to get hungry while sitting at the bar or even at home. Beer nuts and chips are a staple of the beer drinker's diet.
In fact many times after a night of drinking at our favorite bar you might just find yourself visiting the local fast food joint and spending some quality time indulging your body with high fat content... burgers and fries.
So the beer belly we get is often times NOT a result of the beer but of the munching that goes along with the beer drinking.
Here are 3 quick and easy tips on how to get rid of your belly fat:
1. Eat More Protein And Less Carbs: Protein contains 4 calories per gram, Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram and Fat contains 9 calories per gram. So cut back on the bad fats and sugar based carbs. Such as donuts, white bread, pasta's etc...
2. Strength Training and Cardio are Critical: Building muscle is better than doing hours of cardio according to recent research. Why? Muscle burns more calories and well reshape your body.
3. Do Ab Exercises: Don't fall for the cleaver scam that exercising your stomach will get rid of your beer belly. It's just not true! You must remove the fat that is covering your 6 pack abs.
A new exercise device that I just discovered allows you to perform more than 9 health club type abdominal exercises and in a fraction of the time. It's called the Bully Xtreme.
It works the core muscles from many different positions, more than typical sit-ups, crunches and similar exercises. It packs on wallop in helping get rid of belly fat fast.
In conclusion: You don't have to give up the beer ... just the beer belly. You must decide on a complete plan to reduce if not eliminate the belly fat. Follow the tips in this article and visit our website for more information on how to get rid of your beer belly fat.
Robert DeAngelo knows how to build muscle using isometric exercise. After he discovered how to easily build muscle fast. He now offers information, articles, news, tools and valuable resources on building muscles, visit this site:
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