Best Suggestions To Lose Belly Fat

There are many opinions out there for one to lose weight. You can do sit ups to lose a fat belly. You can diet for a day, diet by day and you can have a weight loss plan to lose fat on belly. But fat in belly can take much more to get rid of. I recommend doing these things to help you on your way to weight loss. Look at what you eat, how much exercise you get, how many meals you have a day and how much stress you are under as stress will affect your weight loss plan.

To lose a fat belly and lose fat on belly you can do as many sit ups as you like but do you think that will help. All you're doing there working that muscle group. Try skipping instead of sit ups as this will flatten your stomach and raise your heart rate. The best way to lose a fat belly is to raise your heart rate above 160 beats a minute and keep your heart rate above 160 beats a minute for 5-10 minutes at a time for a start and then work up to 10-15 minutes and so on. You should try to get up to 20-30 minutes with your heart rate above 160 beats a minute. Do this 3 times a week and within a month the results will speak for themselves. Try cycling as this will keep your heart rate above 160 for as long as you cycle.

Diet for a day or diet by day has to be what you are looking for, it will give you instant results until you start getting back into your normal routine as your body goes into protection mode and once this happens your body will store your food as fat. I suggest that you have a goal in mind and work your way up to it. You can lose weight fast by doing the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure program. This gives you everything that you need to lose weight fast.

Make sure you don`t skip on meals and try having less food at once and having more proportions. If you really want to lose weight quickly, just eat vegetables as your meals. Make a large batch of soup so you can have it when you want. Do this during the day and then have your normal meal at night time. When you do this you have to exercise as well and then you can have one day a week where you have a bad day where you do what you want and eat what you want. This helps in two ways as it is something for you to aim for and the shock of all the bad stuff make your body realise to get rid of it.

Stress is the number one reason why our bodies won`t function correctly. Exercise helps with stress as you take your mind off everyday things. When you exercise problems that you can`t solve may sometimes come to you. Stress will cause you not to lose the weight that you want and your body won`t function properly. So avoid stress as much as possible and have a who cares approach when it is needed. So try to eliminate the stress out of your life.

All in all you need to find what works for you and what doesn`t. Here are just a few tips to lose a fat belly and diet for a day. The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure program will help you achieve your results much faster than you think can happen. So look at what stresses you out and change that aspect of your life. Get out there and exercise to raise your heart beat. Look at what you eat, how many times a day you eat and the size of your meals.

Yes I do these things daily and with in the first two weeks I noticed a difference. You can to make a difference and I started them and did the 31 Day Fat Cure Program. You will be amazed by the results. My wife was.

Go here for the 31 Day Fat Cure Program



Kim Hamilton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_D_Hamilton