Are you ashamed of your big body size? Do you suffer stigma from friends and foes alike due to your unhealthy-looking body? Have you been rejected by the person you once had a crush on solely because of unnecessary fat on your body? These are just a few of the numerous nasty experiences that people with big body size have to deal with. Social stigma aside, the stark reality of things is the health implications that are associated with big unhealthy bodies. Don't you worry because all is not lost. It is the purpose of this article to highlight top advice, diets and a workout for fat loss and muscle gain.
The benefits of doing exercise cannot be said enough. Some people work out for fun. This is like a hobby to them just like one would take a story book to read. There are those who exercise to avoid bad company that may corrupt their morals such as alcohol and substance abuse. Yet to those weighed upon by the stresses of life, the gym offers a safe haven for their psychological disorientation. However to a majority, and for the purpose of this article, physical body exercise is aimed at losing body weight and building muscles.
Don't we admire the nice shapely-looking bodies of our celebrities? What we don't know is that these celebrities pay a price to have these well curved sparkling figures. The secret lies in physical exercises together with the right diet. The following are some of the tips to help lose weight and gain muscles.
1. It starts with the mind
The mind is a very powerful tool. Depending on how one uses it you can either make it or break it. Before setting out on the mission of weight loss, it is imperative to convince the mind that however big your body is, you can still make it. It is all about being positive and refusing to listen to any other negative voice. Of course there are those around you who care such as your family members and close friends whose encouraging words will come in handy to give you the psychological boost that is necessary. This positive attitude needs to be maintained throughout the period when you will be exercising.
2. Discipline
Discipline is key to anyone aspiring to lose weight and build some muscles. Whether you have an instructor or not, the fact remains that you will have to stick to the regular routine set out for you. There is a well-laid out design for exercising that needs to be respected if the desired results are to be achieved. One of the major reasons why people give up on exercising is attributed to the inability to show dedication and working hard to meet set objectives. It is important to stick to the program and follow what the instructor says.
3. Eating well
Eating well is a very important consideration. It is good to seek advice from health experts and dieticians on the right food to eat. While carbohydrates will supply the body with the most needed energy, vitamins will help fight infections giving room for proteins to build, strengthen and consolidate the muscle fibers to give you that body look that you crave for. Furthermore, all the excess body fat will be converted into useful energy to fuel your new muscle. A high protein diet is essential to grow new muscle.
4. Have enough rest
Good rest and sleep is recommended to let the body recover and to allow metabolic activities time to take place uninterrupted. Recovery time for muscle is also incredibly important. The exercise program should concentrate on different muscle groups each other day to allow proper rest of each muscle group. Upper body one day and legs the next.
5. The workout
The best workout is a muscle building program that will build muscle which will burn fat continuously. So the more muscle you can build, the more calories your muscles will consume. Compound exercises will build muscle and requires a shorter workout since these exercises target multiple muscle groups. Compound exercises may make it more difficult to work out which muscle groups to rest. These are some examples.
Lunges with hand weights
Kettlebell Squat and Raise. Place the Kettlebell on the floor between your feet. Squat down to pick it up and as you stand up raise the Kettlebell up over your head. This will target the thighs and shoulders.
Free weights will target more muscle groups than weigh machines. The dead lift is an excellent all body exercise. This lift uses a weight lifting bar with weights.
These are some helpful diets tips and a workout for fat loss and muscle gain. Remember to get your body quickly into shape, build muscle and the muscle will burn fat for you.
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